Shortage of housing in Longyearbyen creates major problems for tourism – news Troms and Finnmark

– It has never been as difficult as now, says managing director of the tourism company Svalbard Adventures, John-Einar Lockert. Tourism on Svalbard, like the fishing industry on the mainland, is completely dependent on seasonal workers to keep everything running during the busiest months. But a lack of housing in Longyearbyen creates a big headache for the tourism companies, not least this year, shows a survey carried out by Visit Svalbard. Svalbard Adventures is one of the largest tourism operators in Svalbard. The company brings in around 30 seasonal workers every winter, who will work as guides and waiters. John Einar Lockert in Svalbard Adventures. Photo: Svalbard Adventure Group According to John-Einar Lockert, absolutely all available housing stock has been turned over to find space. Among other things, many of the seasonal employees have to complain about having to live in a collective. However, just over a month before the winter season starts in full, Svalbard Adventures still lacks housing for six seasonal workers. – If we don’t manage to get enough housing, we have to reduce activity, says Lockert. Destroyed by fire Finding a place to live in Longyearbyen has been a challenge for many years. This is largely due to an increasing population. At the same time, fewer housing units have become available. In 2015 and 2017, several houses and apartment buildings were destroyed by avalanches. Last autumn, even more homes disappeared in a major fire in the center of Longyearbyen. Parts of the lost housing stock have been replaced with new buildings, but far from all. A fire in Longyearbyen in September consumed 12 housing units. In addition, a neighboring building also had to be vacated. Photo: Une Søreide / Tip The little that is actually available on the market is both expensive and poor. According to Visit Svalbard, 75 per cent of member companies state that they are struggling to provide enough housing for their employees at the start of the winter season. In all, there should be 90 people, but that figure only includes the companies that have answered the survey. The real number of seasonal workers who still lack a roof over their heads is therefore probably higher, says Visit Svalbard. At the top are the rental prices in Longyearbyen, which are so high that several companies have to pay part of the rent for their employees. According to the survey, the consequences for many companies are reduced activity and reduced profitability. Statsbygg: – Not our table Store Norske and Statsbygg are the two largest housing players on Svalbard, and have a total of around 700 homes in their portfolios. Statsbygg will primarily help government employees with housing. Helping private players is basically not Statsbygg’s table, which itself is struggling to provide enough housing for people, says director of communications Hege Njaa Aschim. The construction of new student dormitories at Elvesletta in Longyearbyen is, for now, the last housing project in Longyearbyen that has been realized. Photo: Rune Nordgård Andreassen / news Store Norske rents out around 300 housing units to the private business world. – We contribute everything that straps and cloth can hold over all our customer groups, including the business world, says property manager in the company, Sveinung Lystrup Thesen. The thesis confirms that Longyearbyen is at the bottom of a residential wave valley due to the fire and avalanches, but says that the situation will improve in the long term. Among other things, the construction company Consto will soon start building 27 housing units in the city centre. These will be ready in 2024. In addition, Store Norske itself wants to build 50 new homes in the same area. The regulatory plan is ready, but must spend 2023 on planning, building permission and financing, says Thesen. As a result, the tourism operators will have to deal with a housing shortage for their employees in the coming years as well. – Tourism is returning to normal after the corona pandemic, and I understand that it will now be a very demanding period for them, says Thesen.
