Shops and suppliers ask people to pick up their parcels – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

Black Friday is over, but for many the pressure is on. Several shops have told their customers that the warehouse is filling up with packages. Rema 1000 at Konnerud posted this message on Facebook a couple of days ago: “Help!! All our shelves, plus the parcel machine, are completely blown up and we are completely dependent on them picking up your parcels continuously so that we can receive more in the weeks ahead.” Morten Lysthaug checks the parcel container outside the Rema store in Konnerud. It is mostly full. Photo: Stian Haraldsen / news Full daily – It looks fine now. There are a lot of packages, but people are mostly good at picking them up, says store manager Morten Lysthaug. – Have you experienced that it is completely full? – Yes, it happens almost daily at this time of year. – What happens then? – Then there will be a lot to do, but we like that. Then we just have to be creative and find new places in the warehouse. On Monday, around 1,000 packages arrived at the store in Drammen. Lysthaug expects just as many in the next few days. How do you like shopping for Christmas presents? I prefer to travel to the store I prefer online shopping Show result Parcel record Kenneth Tjønndal Pettersen is press manager at Posten Bring. He is not surprised that the stores are given Tetris challenges in the warehouse. – There is a lot of pressure. Last week we handled 2.5 million parcels, so there is a very large volume of parcels which are now on their way out to the collection points in the country. – How does it compare to previous years with Black Friday and Black Week? – There is around 12 per cent higher package volume than last year, and 2022 was an all-time high. – Have they received feedback that it is starting to pile up in many places? – With such a large volume of parcels out to customers, either to mailboxes, collection boxes or mail in stores, it will be a great help if people pick up their parcels as quickly as possible. Then the logistics will flow much better. Kenneth Tjønndal Pettersen at Posten Bring says that they have brought in 750 extra employees to handle the influx. Photo: Posten Klar voor Jule-køyr Several people have either seen pick-up invitations on social media, or received direct messages from shops and suppliers recently. “Rema 1000 Gulskogen has reached maximum capacity of the number of packages. It is therefore of great help if you can pick up your parcel, so that new parcels have room,” PostNord sent out in text messages on Tuesday. “Even though Black Friday is over, not everything has arrived in the shops yet. It is filled with everything from letters to bicycles,” says Lysthaug at Konnerud. Posten says that they have had a big increase in the use of self-igniting parcel boxes in the past year. There are 1,900 of these in Norway, and growth has been 70 per cent. And as soon as the black campaign is over, the red Christmas print arrives. – There is wave after wave now. The peak season is underway, and this is the funnest time of the year for us at Posten, says Kenneth Tjønndal Pettersen. But as Lysthaug points out: – In the run-up to Christmas it will be spread over a few more days, and it will not be as compact as during Black Friday.
