Shooting victim linked to criminal network in Sweden – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

On Tuesday afternoon, a man in his 30s was shot several times outside Mossehallen in Moss. According to what news is informed, the injured man can be linked to the Dalen network, which is in conflict with the Foxtrot network. The conflict has led to a regular gang war in the neighboring country, with a long series of shootings, bombings and murders. According to the police, an estimated 7-8 shots were fired in Moss. On a video news has gained access to, which has recorded what is supposed to be the sound of the shots, nine shots can be heard. The police believe there are several perpetrators who are still at large. news has confirmed that the police are looking for several named people they want to investigate if they can be linked to the shooting incident. Linked to the Dalen network The Dalen network is one of the main competitors of the Foxtrot network, and the two Swedish gangs have been in open conflict for a long time. news was informed on Tuesday evening that the Swedish criminal network Foxtrot is also at the center of the investigation. The competition for drug markets in particular is central to the conflict between the two networks. The camera that captured what is supposed to be the sound of the shots is located in an attic in a house about 500 meters as the crow flies from the Mossehallen. The Foxtrot network is led by Rawa Majid, known as “The Kurdish Fox”, while Dalen is led by Mikael Tenezos, known as “The Greek”. Kripos has previously confirmed to news that Swedish criminal networks operate in 10 out of 12 Norwegian police districts, and that the Foxtrot network is present in six of them. Kripos has not said whether they believe that the Dalen network is present in Norwegian police districts. Read more about the consequences of the Swedish gang war: Previously convicted The man who was shot in Moss has been convicted in Norway a number of times in recent years. He has been convicted several times for drug possession, driving without a license and drink driving. He is also convicted of fraud. He also has several judgments from Sweden. The majority are over 10 years old. He has been convicted of violence, burglary, theft, driving without a license and a minor drug offence. He was also sentenced for a minor drug offense in 2021. Kripos worried Kripos is concerned about what they believe is an increasing degree of Swedish criminal activity in Norway. – I think Swedish criminal networks have been active in Norway for several years, but we have probably seen an increasing degree of Swedish activity in Norway based on intelligence information but also criminal cases, says Kripos top Kjetil Tunold to news. Although Kjetil Tunold in Kripos acknowledges that Norway can be attractive to Swedish gang criminals, he does not agree that we are a “gangster’s paradise”, as the Swedish crime journalist Diamant Salihu from SVT called us a few weeks ago. Photo: Sverre Holm-Nilsen Tunold believes there are several reasons why Swedish criminals cross the border now. – It is probably the proximity to Sweden and an attractive market for drugs. It could also be a consequence of Sweden tightening up and creating more regulations relating to their activity and the police paying more attention to precisely that type of crime. No one charged Police attorney Christian Gjølberg Finnanger says they have no formal charges after the shooting. – But we are now looking at the criminal circles and want to obtain more information that will enable us to target or arrest, says Finnanger. Police attorney Christian Gjølberg Finnanger says that there is no indication that the shooting incident is connected to Moss as such. Photo: Even Bjøringsøy Johnsen / news The police in Norway have asked for assistance from their Swedish colleagues for the investigation, Finnanger has confirmed to NTB. Tip news’s ​​crime group: Do you have information about this case or other crime cases? Contact news’s ​​crime group. You can tip us off by e-mail or through news’s ​​encrypted notification service. Here you can tip us anonymously. We also treat all tips confidentially, in line with the Vær varsom poster’s rules on source protection.
