Shooting at Sinsen in Oslo – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

The police have many patrols and a police helicopter at Sinsen in Oslo. Several shots have been fired from a firearm in connection with a confrontation between two people near the Sinsen cultural center. – We received several calls at 18.34 this evening that a person should have fired shots at another person in the open street, says operations manager Gjermund Stokkli to news. There were several witnesses to the incident. Operations leader Anders Rønning for the police at the crime scene at Sinsen in Oslo. Photo: Johan Moen / news – The witnesses say that it appeared that there was a conversation between them at the front, where one pulls a weapon and shoots at the other, who then flees the scene in a car, while the other flees on foot, says site manager, Anders Rønning. The task leader says that it appears as if there was an agreement between the two to meet. Then one of them must have taken out a weapon and fired it. As far as the police know, only two people are said to have been involved. It is unclear if anyone was hit by the shots. The police do not consider it a danger to the residents of the area, because it was not fired at random people. The incident leader does not want to comment on exactly how many shots were fired, but says there must have been several shots. Heard bangs: – Didn’t think the children could get into a shootout. Hanna Kinge lives close to where the shots were fired and heard them herself on Sunday evening. – We heard three bangs which we initially thought were fireworks, but then police cars and ambulances arrived quite quickly. Then we realized what had really happened, says Kinge to news. Hanna Kinge lives close to where the shots fell. Photo: Johan Moen / news She explains that they have felt that they live in a quiet and wonderful neighborhood with many nice people – and many children. At the same time, things have sometimes happened in connection with the subway station nearby. – We see that there is business around the subway and it is close, but it has in a way stayed there. When it starts to come up close to our garden, we feel that we have to think about it a bit. We have children running in and out all the time, she says. She says that they have not been concerned about safety before. – We have never thought that we have to make sure that the children do not get in the middle of a shootout. So this did something to us, she says. Searching with a police helicopter The police started a search for both suspects and victims. It is unknown if anyone was injured. He says that they have located one party. Among other things, they must have good surveillance images of one of the people. – We have not been able to identify who they are, but we have good faith that we will be able to solve this case, he says. The police also state that they are now looking for projectiles and checking for damage to neighboring houses. They have found empty casings that probably originate from one-handed handguns. The search for the people involved will continue throughout the evening. The police’s task leader says that they have received information that the car of one person drove away from the area in Lørenveien in the direction of Hasle. The car is described as a small angular and dark car. The other person left the scene on foot. There is a person the police have pictures of. They describe it as a young dark-skinned person with dark clothes, a mask in front of his face and a hood over his head. Photo: Johan Moen / news
