She was chased by the knifeman at Bislett in Oslo – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– I wish he wasn’t out, of course, because then this would never have happened. On 9 November last year, the 37-year-old Oslo woman was in the wrong place at the wrong time. A little trip out before work turned into a nightmare when she ended up in the knife drama at Bislett. The pharmacy tour It is a wet winter morning in the capital. The 37-year-old woman sniffs a little when she wakes up. She has to get tested for corona before she can go to work. In a rain jacket, rain trousers and rubber boots, she trudges a couple of hundred meters to the pharmacy in Thereses gate to buy rapid tests. The pharmacy is not open yet. She must wait. It is just before 9. Then she spots a man coming down the street. In the dung weather, he is bare-chested and barefoot. He’s only wearing a pair of sweatpants. In his hand he has a large knife. She immediately thinks that the person has not dressed up. This is real. – He has a wild look. Has big eyes. Hair to all sides. He walks smiling, and he walks with this knife in his hand. She stands in a small nook outside the pharmacy. Afraid of being caught. Thinks she needs to get away. Here, right outside the entrance to the pharmacy, the woman was standing when the man with the knife passed her. Photo: Anders Fehn / NRKHere, right outside the entrance to the pharmacy, the woman was standing when the man with the knife passed her. Photo: Anders Fehn / news She begins to walk quickly up the street. Then she makes eye contact with the man. – An immediate alarm goes off in the whole body. He turns and starts running after her. She runs for her life and screams for attention. – I didn’t scream for help. I just screamed sounds. She doesn’t see it herself, but according to witnesses, he is a few meters behind her and slashes with the knife. Here she points to where she ran with the man following her. Photo: Anders Fehn / news Here she points to where she ran with the man following her. Photo: Anders Fehn / news Within seconds a police car appears. – I have incredible luck in all the bad luck. She runs over to it and tries to get inside. She and the knifeman run around the police car. The police distract him. He stops running. They stand on opposite sides of the car. The man with the knife is closest to the camera. The 37-year-old woman is standing on the other side of the car. She realizes she can’t get into the police car and runs up the street. A woman lets her into her private car. She dives into the back seat. Hyperventilates. – I have a huge panic in the back of that car. And then quite a short time passes and then I hear shots being fired. The woman in the car tries to calm her down. The 37-year-old is getting his breath back. The police ask them to remain seated until the situation is under control. They are not allowed to talk to each other about what has happened. – It was a bit of a strange situation. – Very good help Her body shook for many hours after the trauma she had experienced. The knees didn’t work. The legs were shaking. She was unable to write down her name. She was taken care of by a crisis team at the scene. – I got very good help. After a couple of hours, she was followed home by a police officer. – The feeling I had during the day can be compared to the one you have after attending the funeral of someone you are very fond of. You are so exhausted and tired. The brain is completely mush. In the evening, she was followed up by health personnel with a debriefing. – It’s tiring to be on duty. She has a number of physical and psychological problems after the incident. She perceives things that others don’t even register. – You shouldn’t be very different on the street before I pick them up. In such cases, she must get an overview of the situation before she can lower her shoulders and move on. – It is tiring to live that way. To be so vigilant. I try to live with it and not against it. At night she can have nightmares. During the day – triggers. – Silly things that can make me really scared. Heart palpitations. It could be a man talking loudly on a mobile phone or people in different clothes. – Men in shorts in winter. Then I always screw up. MEMORIAL PLACE: For several months after the incident, there was a memorial site at Bislett for Rustam Louis Foss, who was shot and killed by the police. – I understand that that place has not been for me. It has been for his relatives and it has been perfectly fine. Photo: Runar Henriksen Jørstad / news MEMORIAL: For several months after the incident, there was a memorial in Bislett for Rustam Louis Foss, who was shot and killed by the police. – I understand that that place has not been for me. It has been for his relatives and it has been perfectly fine. Photo: Runar Henriksen Jørstad / news She went to a psychologist until the summer. Now it has been put on hold. Her reactions are normal. She and the psychologist expect that they will decrease. Investigating the incident The perpetrator was 33-year-old Rustam Louis Foss. What the 37-year-old woman experienced is being investigated as attempted murder. But the police are not quite on target. – The investigation has taken time due to many other work tasks, says police lawyer Kari Kirkhorn in the Oslo police district. Since the perpetrator is dead, the case is dismissed. Nevertheless, the investigation is important. Police lawyer Kari Kirkhorn leads the Oslo police’s investigation into the knife drama at Bislett. Photo: Jil Yngland / NTB – The most important thing is that the case is well informed so that the aggrieved can, among other things, claim compensation for victims of violence, says Kirkhorn. The Bureau of Police Affairs has previously established that the police officers who shot the 33-year-old did not do anything criminal. Applying for compensation for victims of violence The 37-year-old will apply for compensation for victims of violence. She has also done that before. Ten years ago, she was subjected to indiscriminate violence and robbed of her mobile phone outside the front door where she lived. – It ended up with a trip to the emergency room with a broken nose. The incident at Bislett has had no financial consequences for her. She hopes that it also does not give her lasting but. – What is relevant is to get some kind of plaster on the wound. She tries not to spend energy thinking about what might happen, but rather take things as they come. – Process the reactions I get and move on with my day. All in all, I’m fine. She has a lot to live up to The media coverage after the crime drama on Bislett is rather one-sided. That is why she now wants to tell her story. She refers to the many articles and chronicles about the perpetrator as a person. – He had many and also well-known relatives who of course wanted to give a different picture of him than that he was a “psychotic and crazy knife man”, but for me it was difficult reading. She wants to show that a case has several sides. – I was directly affected by his actions. It had major consequences for me afterwards. The dream is to get rid of triggers. That she can put the incident behind her. – That it does not dominate and does not influence. That I should not live in any other way than what I have done. The woman looks away towards the place where the man with a knife was shot by the police. – I live in the center of Oslo because I like to use the city. Photo: Anders Fehn / NRKK The woman looks away towards the place where the man with a knife was shot by the police. – I live in the center of Oslo because I like to use the city. Photo: Anders Fehn / news The 37-year-old Oslo woman says she has a lot to live for, including her husband, family and friends. – I just want to live normally with those I love and those I care about. news has also made a podcast about the man who was shot and killed by the police: Hey, did you get any thoughts when you read this article? Feel free to send me an email! I have previously written, among other things: Do you have any tips for other matters I should look into? I treat all information confidentially. Feel free to contact me!
