Sharp criticism of the working conditions in Vinmonopolet – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

This week, news was able to tell the stories of several employees of Vinmonopolet. They described a workplace characterized by unpredictability and a culture of fear. After the case was published, 70 new employees at Vinmonopolet have made contact. They all describe the same thing: short contracts, fear of not being able to pay the rent and fear of bringing things up with management. news asked Vinmonopolet both about the alleged culture of fear and about the number of part-time positions. They deny that there is a culture of fear in the company. – Vinmonopolet takes the challenges we have with part-time problems very seriously and works actively to improve the situation. The full response from Vinmonopolet is at the bottom of the file. News for the trade union news tried for a long time to get a comment from the trade union Trade and Office, without success. Today they have turned around. The head of the union, Christopher Beckham, says his shop steward in the Vinmonopolet has no cases involving a culture of fear. Confederation leader Christopher Beckham. Photo: Ilja C. Hendel / Ilja C. Hendel – These 70 emails – for me this is completely new information. This is not acceptable. I can’t say it more clearly. Beckham says they must assist their members and be clear with the management that the working conditions described by news are not inside. – Vinmonopolet has a special position in Norwegian society. Management has a responsibility to take the lead in creating a full-time culture, rather than a part-time and fear culture. – Gotta get tougher This is what Tuva Moflag, spokesperson for labor policy in the Labor Party, completely agrees with. – Vinmonopolet is a public player. We are clear that they should therefore go to the front and ensure that people get a salary they can live on, says Moflag to news. Labor policy spokesperson in the Labor Party, Tuva Moflag. Photo: Fredrik Hansen / news At the same time, it seems that they are one of the companies with far too high use of part-time, she adds. – It is not in accordance with the law, so the Vinmonopolet must tighten up here. What you actually work triggers a right to an increased employment percentage. They must go through their guidelines, says Moflag. This autumn, a bill on full-time as the norm in working life will be considered in the Storting. 19 ongoing cases Beckham says at the same time that the union is now working on 19 cases from employees of Vinmonopolet. They all want a higher vacancy rate. Several employees of Vinmonopolet that news has been in contact with describe a very unpredictable and stressful working day. Photo: Gunhild Hjermundrud / news – When the cases have been processed, we will contact the company. If we do not agree there, we will consider taking the matter further to the court system. Beckham adds that they must look at each individual case against the legislation and further work situation. Vinmonopolet replies to this – Vinmonopolet must of course follow the law and must work to be a pioneer in this area. This is what Halvor Bing Lorentzen, director of communications and social responsibility, writes in an e-mail. He further writes that they are working to see how they can increase the size of part-time contracts for their employees, as well as the number of full-time contracts. – At the same time, based on the influx of customers we have in our stores, where most people buy their alcohol at the weekend, it is necessary to have part-time employees in order to increase the workload.
