Sexual abuse of children and young people was made visible with panty marking – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary: Sexual abuse of children and young people was marked with a panty marking in Wergelandsparken in Kristiansand. 488 briefs were hung up, symbolizing every single person who contacted the organization Nok. Agder last year to tell his story. 360 of them were under the age of 18. Sunday 19 November is the international day for the abuse of children and young people, and the installation “The tip of the iceberg” has been set up to mark the day. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. – You can see children’s knickers, youth knickers and nappies, says Lisbeth Tranberg who is a supervisor and advisor in Nok. Agder. In Wergelandsparken in Kristiansand, 488 panties were hung up on Friday. Each brief represents people who visited the center of Nok.Agder last year. At the centre, people who are exposed to sexual abuse and their relatives receive help. On Sunday, it is World Day for the Prevention of Sexual Abuse of Children and Young People. The organization Nok.Agder wanted to highlight the topic. – The users who come to us are registered in the year in which they were subjected to abuse. Each one of the 488 briefs symbolizes the age when this happened. 488 panties were hung up in Wergelandsparken in Kristiansand to mark sexual abuse of children and young people. Photo: Ina Marie Sigurdsen / news Increase in more serious violence Of the 488 users who contacted Nok.Agder last year, 360 were under the age of 18. The marking in the park is called “The tip of the iceberg”, and will be open throughout the weekend in connection with World Day for Sexual Abuse of Children and Young People. The installation will bear witness to the victims and their stories. It was Tranberg who came up with the idea. She wants a society that can talk more openly about the subject. – We have to take time to think and deal with the fact that it actually happens. The panties in Wergelandsparken in Kristiansand symbolize a person’s history, gender and age when the abuse happened to them. Photo: Ina Marie Sigurdsen / news 96 of those who used Nok.Agder’s offer last year were under 6 years old at the time of the first assault. 90 of them were girls. Photo: Ina Marie Sigurdsen / news 318 of the 488 briefs represented residents of Kristiansand. Photo: Ina Marie Sigurdsen / news Both family, friends, politicians and residents of Kristiansand had made the trip to Wergelandsparken to take part in the commemoration. Photo: Ina Marie Sigurdsen / news Nok.Agder’s offices in Arendal and Kristiansand are experiencing an increase in the number of inquiries. Photo: Ina Marie Sigurdsen / news – How important is it to highlight this topic? – It is extremely important. In our society today, this is taboo. We don’t really want to deal with sexual abuse, but we have to, says Tranberg. Nok.Agder says that those who come to them are also exposed to more serious violence than before. – The assaults have become more serious. We fear that it may be inspired by pornography and that we are in a different place in society today than in the past. Supervisor and adviser in Nok. Agder Lisbeth Tranberg wants to highlight the issue of sexual abuse against children and young people. Photo: Ina Marie Sigurdsen / news – The tip of the iceberg In Wergelandsparken on Friday, there were both users who have visited Nok.Agder and told their story, as well as family, friends and politicians. Deputy mayor of Kristiansand, Charlotte Beckmann Finnestad (KrF) was given the job of cutting the cord to mark the opening, and believes this is an important marking. – The fact that we see panties on a string is not to bring out the panties, but the stories. There were 488 users in 2022 who dared to contact Nok.Agder and dared to talk about sexual abuse. The figure only shows the tip of the iceberg, says Finnestad. – And that is a much too high number in itself. Deputy mayor of Kristiansand Charlotte Beckmann Finnestad (KrF) says markings like this are important. Photo: Ina Marie Sigurdsen / news Hi! Did you think of anything in particular when you read this case or do you have tips for something else I should write about? Feel free to send me an email!
