Several tonnes of kebab meat must be destroyed after salmonella findings – Latest news – news

5 March 2023 at 13:02 Several tonnes of kebab meat must be destroyed following the discovery of salmonella Over 4,000 kilos of kebab meat must be destroyed following the discovery of salmonella. The source is still unknown, according to the Norwegian Food Safety Authority. The Norwegian Food Safety Authority confirms to the Nation that salmonella has been detected in the product Bislett Døner. – The Salmonella discovery was made after routine sampling by the business Fresh Food in Moss. The batch in question has not been put on the market, but blocked at the company and then sent for destruction, says Jorunn Aasgaard Grini, head of department for the Østfold and Follo department in the Norwegian Food Safety Authority, to the newspaper. The raw materials used for the production of Bislett Døner were also used in other products, according to Grini. These must now be withdrawn because it is suspected that the meat raw materials may be infected with salmonella. Tahir Baygün, chairman and general manager of Fresh Food, writes in an email to the newspaper that measures were immediately initiated in close dialogue with the Norwegian Food Safety Authority, suppliers and customers after they became aware of the salmonella discovery. (NTB)
