Several Rødt tops are for sending weapons to Ukraine – this is what the local teams in Nordland say – news Nordland

The statutes of the Red party state that each and every party group has the right to be represented at the national meeting, which this year will be held on 21 April in Stavanger. As long as a local team in Nordland has more than three members, they have the right to send one representative. The largest local teams with several hundred members may send two delegates. This means that Nordland, as the county with the most local teams, is well represented with a total of 28 delegates, and can help decide the burning issue of sending weapons to Ukraine. COUNTRY MEETING: Rødt leaders such as Marie Sneve Martinussen, Mimir Kristjansson and party secretary Benedikte Pryneid Hansen are among those who have reversed themselves on the issue of sending weapons to Ukraine. Rødt’s position will be decided at the national meeting at the weekend. Photo: Ola Vatn / NTB Rødt has long been the only one in Parliament to say no to sending weapons to Ukraine, but recently several Rødt leaders, including party leader Bjørnar Moxnes, have changed their position on sending weapons to Ukraine. They explain this by saying that without arms assistance, Ukraine will be crushed by the Russian army. Nevertheless, several local teams in Nordland are still against the question. Among other things, Rødt Meløy. – We believe in diplomacy Espen Øksne, leader of Rødt Meløy, and representative at the national meeting is heading south with a no in the bag. – We are against sending weapons to Ukraine, he says to news. He explains that they arrived at that after a long discussion at the annual meeting. Leader of Rødt Meløy, Espen Øksne, is against sending weapons to Ukraine. Photo: Private – There were many points raised, but the most prominent was the question of what happens when the war is over. You can look at wars that have been, and after the war is over, there are many weapons that go astray. We think it is very dangerous, Øksne explains. He adds: – It is also very scary that Norway has such a large arms industry, that we become a kind of war profiteer. This is not how we think Norway should be. The local team in Meløy therefore does not believe in weapons as the solution for peace. – We believe in diplomacy as a solution. Even with 28 representatives and a majority in Red Nordland, he still believes that they represent a minority at the national meeting. – But I think it is very good that all local teams have their vote. It would be a mistake if Meløy or Rødøy did not send a delegate to the national meeting. Then we would have a very centralized policy. Open for debate In contrast to Meløy, the local teams in Dønna and Vega are not as locked in their position. – Basically, we agree with Rødt Nordland about what they have said in that regard. We will also see what happens at the national meeting and see if it is possible to get closer to each other then, explains leader of Rødt Vega, Per-Anton Nesjan. He does not want to enter into a compromise, but is ready for a heated debate. Per-Anton Nesjan, leader of Rødt Vega, is traveling south ready for discussion around the weapons issue. Photo: Private – We have to tolerate disagreeing to talk together in order to hopefully find peace both with ourselves and otherwise. He represents the local team during the national meeting. Despite the fact that they have not reached a conclusion, he also points out the importance of the right to send representatives from each local team. – The right of representation is unique among parties, and it is almost unique among organisations. The Norwegian Farmers’ and Small Farmers’ Association has the same thing and I am a member of both and I am very proud of exactly that, he says. – We take it seriously In the same way as Vega, Rødt Dønna is also unsure of what their conclusion will be. Leader of Rødt Dønna, Leonid Rødsten, believes it is right that Rødt takes the topic of weapons seriously. Photo: Private Leader in Rødt Dønna, Leonid Rødsten, says that they have given their representative full confidence in concluding a position during the weekend’s meeting. – He has not received any binding mandate from the local team at Dønna, says Rødsten to news. – That is the great and wonderful thing about this debate. While the other parties quickly changed positions, we in Rødt took it seriously. We have had a good round of it and found that we can conclude on it after a long process in the local team and conclude by the weekend. But he nevertheless points out that weapons do not solve war, but start it.
