Several people presumed dead – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

– It is sad to say that the search and rescue work has moved into another phase, says police chief Robin Smith. Rescue crews no longer expect to find anyone alive, writes Sky News. It was the night of Saturday that it exploded in a residential area on the island of Jersey, which lies in the English Channel. On Sunday morning, three people were confirmed dead and around twelve people are still missing. – It is unthinkable news. We are all devastated and worried, says First Minister on the island Kristina Moore to the BBC. She thanks the rescue workers for their efforts and says the families affected will get the answers they need. The gas supplier in Jersey, Island Energy, says they are working with the fire service to find out the cause of the explosion. The explosion is said to have occurred around 05:00 Norwegian on Saturday. Photo: Daniel Hunt – Terrible crime – It’s a pretty terrible crime, which is also very dangerous for our officers, Police Chief Smith told the BBC on Saturday. The explosion is said to have occurred around 05:00 Norwegian time on Saturday. A total of 21 police officers, nine ambulance workers and 19 people from the fire service rushed to the residential area on St. Helier. It is the largest city on the island. Two injured people were sent to hospital after the explosion yesterday. They are now printed. A three-storey house has completely collapsed and no longer looks like a house, reports Smith at a press conference on Saturday morning. The BBC writes that they are aware that there were nine people who lived in the block. The house is completely damaged after the explosion. Photo: SEBASTIEN SALOM-GOMIS / AFP Thought it was an earthquake Several houses have been destroyed, and there are still building remains strewn in the streets, writes the Jersey Evening Post newspaper. The newspaper also writes that the emergency services rushed to the area several hours before the explosion after reports from residents who had smelled gas. To the BBC, a woman who lives on the island says that she was hit by a bang around four o’clock on Saturday night. – The bed started shaking and there was a big bang. I checked the news to see if it was an earthquake or a lightning strike. I had no idea what it was, says the woman to the channel. Jersey is the southernmost of the English Channel Islands and lies off the coast of Normandy in the north of France.
