Several people arrested and charged with deprivation of liberty in Oslo on Friday evening – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

The police in Oslo responded to a report of a possible deprivation of liberty on Friday evening. Several have been arrested, and there are also several victims. The police will not reveal all the details of the case tonight, but confirm that several people have been arrested and charged with deprivation of liberty. – We campaigned against a private address in Oslo and took control of several people and the victims. Several people have been arrested and charged with deprivation of liberty, says crime leader Kjersti Myhre of the Oslo police to NTB. The victims are unharmed. Police say there are no children involved. For now, the police will not say anything about the gender and age of those involved, where in Oslo this happened or whether the people are connected to a special environment. – It is too early in the investigation to give more details, says Myhre.
