Several payments from NAV are missing after what they suspect is BankID fraud – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

On Tuesday, Nav discovered that several payments had not reached the users. It looked like they had arrived at the wrong account number. – This may indicate that someone has managed to obtain BankID information from one of our users and thus change the account number for payment to someone other than their users, says Marianne Fålun, finance and management director at Nav. It seems that those who have been hurt are those who should be paid pension and disability benefits. Nav does not yet have an overview of the extent of who and how many have not been paid their pension. – We are working to map whether the other benefits can also be affected, says Fålun to news. Photo: Heidi Gomnæs They are in dialogue with their bank connections and the police about the matter. – We take the case seriously and understand that it can be burdensome for the victims, says Fålun. Nav urges those who think they have been victimized to call them on 55553333.
