Several of the closed bridges after the collapse at Tretten can be reopened to traffic – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

This is what Straten’s Road Administration writes in a press release on Sunday evening. They are now in the final phase of the special inspections of the 14 bridges that were closed after Tretten Bru collapsed on 15 August. The day after the bridge collapse, the Swedish Road Administration decided to close 14 so-called truss bridges in three locations around the country. – We still do not know the specific reason why Tretten Bru fell, but we know the mechanisms and weaknesses that may have contributed to it happening. We therefore work according to the elimination method. This is written by Morten Wright Hansen, section manager for Inspection and safety in the Directorate of Roads. According to Wright Hansen, they are now going through the constructions and inspection results for the individual bridge in order to be able to rule out the same thing happening there. When all possibilities for failure have been ruled out, the bridge can be opened to traffic. To be opened next week According to the Norwegian Road Administration, the 14 closed bridges will be opened as soon as possible. Work is underway to ensure that the first bridges can be opened as early as next week. – We have worked intensively on inspecting each of the bridges, analyzing the inspection results, and comparing these with what we know about the possible causes of the bridge collapse at Tretten, writes Wright Hansen. The special inspections involve a review, control calculation and analysis of the following: Nodes and joints – especially with regard to weaknesses, deficiencies etc. All storage must be specially examined and photographed. All screwed connections must be checked. Welded connections must be checked. Deformation and sentences must be registered. Major challenges The E6 past Tretten was reopened to normal traffic on the night of Friday. The pressure has been great to get several of the closed bridges reopened. Many have had to drive long detours to get to and from work, school or leisure activities. The same has been the situation for school buses and transport to and from companies. This is the situation for Tine, which is located on the west side of GudbrandsdalslĂ„gen in Tretten. Reserve solutions The Swedish Road Administration has worked to get replacement bridges in place. This is on E16 in Vang in Valdres and on national road 22 in Fredrikstad. At Tretten, the local population and the business community may have to endure time-consuming detours for a long time to come. According to the head of transport in Innlandet, Aud Riseng, it is a complicated job. The bridge may have to stand for at least a couple of years and must withstand various floods in GudbrandsdalslĂ„gen. It is also not clear whether it is possible to build a temporary bridge to replace the Norsenga bridge in Kongsvinger.
