Several new text similarities in Kjerkol’s thesis – news Troms and Finnmark

– I have confidence in Ingvild as Minister of Health and Care, and I am pleased that Nord University will now carry out an assessment of the task. This is what Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre told news on Monday evening, when he met the press at a joint press conference. Earlier in the day, Nord University had met for the first time after the text similarities became known on Saturday. news has now found two more new text similarities in the assignment. TRUST: On Monday evening, Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre made it clear that he still has confidence in Ingvild Kjerkol. Photo: Fredrik Varfjell / NTB Described as “our research” In 2015, the University of Buskerud and Vestfold University published a final report on the theme Implementation of welfare technology in health and care services. The report states: “It is a managerial responsibility to lead the service innovation work, so that new areas of responsibility are taken care of and any redundant routines are weeded out. An issue that emerges in our research is the need to train substitutes and other employees, so that the service can handle the technology in periods when those who handle the technology best are absent, or on holiday.’ In Kjerkol and his fellow student’s master’s thesis, similar wording appears, without the source being referred to either in the text or in the list of sources. At the same time, they have chosen, like the University College’s final report, to describe it as “an issue that emerges in our research”. “It is a managerial responsibility to lead the service innovation work, so that new areas of responsibility are taken care of and any redundant routines are weeded out. An issue that emerges in our research is the need to train substitutes and other employees, so that the service can handle the technology in periods when those who handle the technology best are absent, or on vacation,” wrote Kjerkol and his fellow student in their master’s thesis from 2021 news has submitted our findings to the Ministry of Health and Welfare, which refers to the answer given yesterday, and states that they have no further comment. After Støre’s press conference on Monday evening, Kjerkol replied this by e-mail: – I am not going to comment on the assignment any more now, but refer to Nord University who will look into the matter in the usual way in line with current routines for this. I will be involved in the process in line with their routines. Textual similarity with report news has also found a clear textual similarity between Kjerkol’s master’s thesis and a SINTEF report from 2016. Kjerkol wrote in his thesis: “The response center of the future must be able to handle a wide range of alerts and alarms, where welfare technology solutions involve different types of sensors, and possibilities for individual rule-governed notification and alarm routing” Corresponding text can be found in SINTEF’s report: “The response center of the future must be able to handle a wide range of notifications and alarms. New welfare technology solutions involve different types of sensors, and possibilities for individual rule-based notification and alarm routing. New minister On Friday evening, Sandra Borch (Sp) announced that she was stepping down as Minister of Research and Higher Education. A few hours earlier, it became known that Borch had copied parts of his master’s thesis in jurisprudence from 2014, at UiT – Norway’s Arctic University. On Tuesday at 10:00, the new minister for research and higher education will be presented. There, state secretary for both Sandra Borch and predecessor Ola Borten Moe (Sp), Oddmund Løkensgard Hoel (Sp) will be presented as a new minister, news is informed.
