Several network companies announce that they are increasing network rent – news Vestland

Because the network providers have a monopoly on delivering a service that everyone depends on, it is the state that determines how much the network companies are allowed to earn. Last year, NVE calculated that the network company could be allowed to earn NOK 28.3 billion. An increase that was characterized as “historically high” by the industry website Europower The cost was initially supposed to come on your electricity bill, but after broad political support it was instead decided to cover the expense with the help of “the extraordinarily high bottleneck revenues” to Statnett. – This will prevent the grid companies, which have increased costs as a result of higher power prices, from having to set up grid leases for their customers, said Oil and Energy Minister Terje Aasland (Ap) last autumn. Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB It was last autumn, when the electricity price was at its highest. Half a year later, several companies announce that they are increasing the price. – There are several reasons, but the main reason is higher interest rates on investments we make in the network and strong price growth in society otherwise, says Rune Kiperberg. He is the managing director of the online company Linja. For their average customer, the online rental increase means NOK 288 more a year. The company then takes as its starting point “a normal customer” who has a consumption of 20,000 kilowatt hours a year. – He will get a mark-up of NOK 24 a month, says Kiperberg. Many are increasing the price BKK announces that they will increase online rent by 12 per cent from 1 July. The last time they increased online rent was 1 May last year. High electricity prices mean higher expenses for us too, they write in the press release. The company provides these price examples of how we work it out for customers: Apartment, annual consumption 8,000 kWh: Today, this gives an annual net rent of NOK 6,000. With the new rate from 1 July, the online rent will be NOK 6,750. Terraced house, annual consumption 15,000 kWh: Up from NOK 9,750 to NOK 10,900. Detached house, annual consumption 25,000 kWh: Up from NOK 15,200 to NOK 17,000. – Our main task is to ensure that everyone gets electricity at the lowest possible cost, and the permission from the government was important. Now there is unrest in the world economy and a general increase in costs in society which affects us strongly, says managing director Arild Fleten. Arild Fleten is managing director of BKK. Photo: Wilhelm Støylen / news Not all increases In Norway, there are around 100 grid companies that transport power from power plants to end customers. Elvia AS is the largest network company in the country, and supplies electricity to around 2 million customers in Innlandet, Oslo and Viken. They will not increase the price from 1 July. – We are not increasing online rent now, but we see from the forecasts that we will probably increase the price in the autumn, says communications manager Morten Schau. How much online rent will increase is currently not clear.
