Several killed in attack on the Golan Heights – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

Correspondent Åse Marit Befring about the rocket attack on the Golan Heights Nine people have been killed and 34 injured after a rocket attack on the Druze town of Majdal Shams, on the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. The area is on the border with Syria. Majdal Shams is a Druze town, on the occupied Golan Heights. 17 of the wounded should be in a critical condition, says Eli Bin who is the head of the Magen David Adom rescue service to the AFP news agency. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) writes on X that, according to their intelligence, Hezbollah is behind the rocket attack. – The terrorist organization Hezbollah is behind the rocket fire earlier this evening, against a football pitch in Majdal Shams, which caused several civilian casualties, including several children, write the IDF on X. Hezbollah denies this. The IDF says they are on the scene and helping with the evacuation of the area. The attack hit a football field The rocket attack hit a football field, many of those killed and injured are children and young people between the ages of 10 and 20. Hezbollah initially stated that the attack was revenge for Israeli attacks on cities in southern Lebanon. Now they have retracted these statements. People comfort each other after the rocket hit a football field on the Golan Heights. Photo: JALAA MAREY / AFP The injured were taken away by ambulance. Photo: JALAA MAREY / AFP Broken bicycles and scooters lay on the ground by the football field. Photo: JALAA MAREY / AFP Both security forces and civilians transported the injured away from the area. Photo: JALAA MAREY / AFP According to the news agency Reuters, which has spoken to a high-ranking official in Hezbollah, the group denies that they have fired rockets at Majdal Shams. Danger of war between Israel and Hezbollah Since the terrorist attack against Israel on 7 October and the subsequent war in Gaza, there have been daily rocket attacks between Israel and Hezbollah. According to NTB, 450 people have been killed in Israeli attacks in Lebanon. 90 of those killed will be civilians. 21 soldiers and 13 civilians have been killed by Hezbollah, on the Israeli side. Published 27/07/2024, at 19.08 Updated 27.07.2024, at 20.12
