Several killed and injured in school shooting in Georgia in the USA – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Large forces from the police moved to Appalachee High School in Winder in the state of Georgia on Wednesday morning, local time, after reports of a shooting at the school. At least four people are said to have been killed and at least 30 injured in the shooting, according to CNN. Photo: ABC Affiliate WSB / Reuters The channel refers to police sources. The death toll has not been officially confirmed. It is unclear how many of the injuries were caused by gunshots. CNN emphasizes that this is preliminary information. – We have control over a suspected perpetrator, says a statement from the sheriff in Barrow county. According to CNN, it is about a person the same age as the school’s students, but it is unclear whether the person attended the school. Was in chemistry class when he heard shots 17-year-old Sergio Caldera tells ABC News that he was in a chemistry class when he heard shots. He says that the teacher opened the door, and that another teacher ran in and told her to close the door “because there is an active shooter”. While the students and teacher stayed together in the classroom, someone knocked hard on the door and shouted for it to be opened. When the pounding stopped, Caldera heard several gunshots and screams. He says the class was later evacuated onto the school’s football field. A spokesperson for the schools in Barrow county says that the situation is now under control and that the students have been sent home. Ambulances and medical helicopters The emergency services were notified of the incident at 10.23 local time and rushed to the school with large resources. Live images from the scene show, among other things, many ambulances outside the school. Medical helicopters were also deployed to evacuate the seriously injured, according to US media. In addition, agents from the FBI’s offices in Atlanta were dispatched to the scene to assist local police. President Joe Biden has been informed of the incident, reports the White House. Published 04/09/2024, at 19.46 Updated 04.09.2024, at 19.58
