Several hundred reindeer drowned in Porsanger – news Sápmi

Over 150 reindeer walked through the ice and drowned at Skáiddejávri in Porsanger during the move from summer pasture to winter pasture in Karasjok on the night of Friday. – I have seen some reindeer drown during relocation before, but I have never seen so many drown at once, I can hardly believe it, says reindeer owner Mathis Somby. ACCIDENT: The manager of the reindeer herding district, Mathis Somby, says that he has never experienced anything like this before. Photo: Torgeir Varsi / news Mathis is a leader in Máhkarávju siida on Magerøya in Nordkapp municipality. He says that the accident affects the whole district. – I can feel it, my children’s reindeer and the others’ reindeer have drowned in the water, says Somby. – A common case The state administrator in Troms and Finnmark has documented 150 dead reindeer in the Magerøya herd. This is confirmed by director of agriculture and reindeer husbandry Torhild Gjølme. – 30–40 animals have been dragged ashore, and then they have documented approx. 110 out in the water that has frozen solid in the ice. There may be more in the water, and then there are more who have died on land. FæLT: The state administrator thinks drowning is a bad thing. Photo: Marius Fiskum / Marius Fiskum The state administrator finished his work at the accident site on Sunday, and is now writing a report to document how many animals have drowned. – It has been a terrible case, for both the animals and the owners, there is no doubt about that, says Torhild Gjølme. Enormous loss Somby says that they follow the crows in the area to look for more reindeer. He fears that more than 150 reindeer have died. – It is only what they have found in the river, it is the minimum number who have drowned. Then there is further damage, and reindeer that may have died nearby. DRAGGED ONTO LAND: Many tens of reindeer have been dragged onto land by Photo: Mathis Somby / Privat The head of the district fears that the accident could cost them several millions. – I don’t know how much money is involved when so many reindeer have died. The loss can quickly amount to several millions. We haven’t calculated that yet, says Somby. Crisis aid Several media outlets have covered the case. In connection with the accident, the district has received several hate comments. – It is absolutely incredible that some people think that we ourselves have driven our reindeer herd onto the ice. It’s so far from it, it doesn’t even make sense, says reindeer owner Mathis Somby. Karasjok municipality contacted the affected reindeer owners on Tuesday and has offered crisis assistance. Health adviser in the municipality, Heidi Boine, says that it can be experienced as a great loss when animals die, and that it can be good to have someone to talk to. – It is difficult to know how each individual copes with accidents and sad events, but it affects the feelings and therefore we want to give them an opportunity to talk about it, says Boine. Updated 24.10 at 13:49: In an earlier version, we reported that the accident happened on the night of Saturday. The right thing is the night of Friday.
