Several explosions in Kyiv – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Several Ukrainian nuclear power plants have lost power and are disconnected from the grid, following a series of Russian attacks this afternoon. Large parts of the country are without water and electricity, says governor of Khemelnytskyi Sehij Hamalij, according to Reuters. He confirms that the nuclear power plant in the region has been disconnected from the power grid, following what he calls “massive missile attacks against Ukraine’s energy infrastructure” on Wednesday. In the capital Kyiv, three people have been killed and six injured, according to the AFP news agency, citing rescue teams in the city. Kyiv’s mayor Vitaly Klitschko says the attacks have hit the city’s infrastructure hard. He also says that the water supply in the city has also been stopped due to the attacks. The mayor has previously said the city must be prepared that this could be the worst winter since the Second World War. Russia has attacked the Ukrainian capital a number of times in recent weeks, leading to widespread power outages. Kyiv Mayor Vitaly Klitschko says the city must be prepared for its worst winter since World War II. Photo: John Leicester / AP Fears the winter cold The city of Lviv, located in western Ukraine, has also been subjected to attacks. According to the mayor, the city is completely without electricity. Hotel receptionist Marta lights the corridors of a hotel in Lviv, in the far west of Ukraine. She dreads winter. – We are getting used to this. But I am very afraid of darkness, cold and what the winter will be like, she says to news. Marta lights a candle in the hotel she works at in Lviv. The entire city is without electricity following the attacks today. Photo: Andras D.Hajdu / Andras D.Hajdu The state electricity company Ukrenergo says all the country’s regions will experience power cuts in the coming days, according to NTB. Neighboring country hit Ukraine’s neighboring country Moldova has also lost power after the attacks in Ukraine. – As a result of Russia’s attack on the Ukrainian energy system, during the last hour we have had massive power outages throughout the country, writes the country’s Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Spinu on Facebook according to AFP. According to Spinu, the national grid operator Moldelectrica is working to restore the power supply. Earlier this month, the country was also affected by power cuts due to attacks against the neighboring country.
