Several erroneous opinion polls – will stop the use of InFact – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

– We will not publish new measurements from InFact until we have made a thorough assessment in consultation with the analysis department at news. That’s what news’s ​​district director, Marius Lillelien, says. Yesterday, several national media cited Nidaros’ poll which showed fantastic figures for the Conservative Party and the Progressive Party in Trondheim. A little later in the evening, the newspaper had to withdraw the poll from InFact, because it contained several serious errors. Not satisfied – It’s very regrettable for us and of course for the readers, but I don’t think InFact thinks it’s that cool either, says Stig Jakobsen. He is the editor-in-chief of Nidaros, and now says that the newspaper will evaluate what went wrong and ensure that the correct information comes out. – No one needs to wonder what they have on the program today, the credibility they have built up over 22 years has taken two serious shots in the bow. Both news and our surveys. They don’t want it to be wrong, we don’t want it to be wrong, so it’s not that easy. Jakobsen thinks the matter is serious. – Mistakes can happen, but when things are as bad as yesterday, you have to go back to the starting point and analyze how this could happen. Before further dialogue, we must draw a conclusion here. Editor-in-chief at Nidaros, Stig Jakobsen. Photo: Amedia Sorry – In short, a human error occurs. That’s what Lars Helander, the general manager of InFact, says. He is sorry for the mistakes that have happened. – We have been doing this for 25 years and we are quite sure that the results we deliver are of high quality. But now we’ve made a mistake, and we’re really sorry. He also doesn’t think it’s nice that news doesn’t want to use them. – I think it is very sad. We have had a good collaboration with news for a long time. More errors Other newspapers have also had problems with InFact. The newspaper Kristiansand had to cancel an opinion poll because the callers had problems choosing the party they wanted to vote for, writes Fædrelandsvennen. Things also went wrong at Sunnmørsposten earlier this year. On 26 April, InFact conducted a political poll. The newspaper then published a case based on the opinion poll with the title “Mørkeblått Ålesund – Frp and Høgre with the majority alone”. But a mistake was also made there, because Haram was included in the poll, and therefore not representative of Ålesund, which will go to the polls in the autumn. – In Sunnmørsposten, there was no mistake with the opinion poll. What we did wrong was we forgot to extract old Haram, so we had to redo it. So the weighting was not wrong, says Heland to news. Editor at Sunnmørsposten, Hanna Relling Berg says that they do not want to use InFact. – It is very serious that we experience such errors, writes Berg in an SMS to news. Suspect more mistakes TV2’s number cruncher Terje Sørensen says he suspects that there may be more wrong measurements from InFact. Gabriel Steinsbekk – SV’s and number cruncher – agrees. They are both associated with Poll of polls, which produces average measurements, and were the ones who uncovered the errors in the two measurements that have been drawn. – I can’t say for sure, but I have a suspicion, so to speak, says Sørensen to NTB. – I share that suspicion. This spring and during the summer we have seen some results on other InFact measurements that there is reason to question. We have also seen it at other agencies, but not as clearly, says Steinsbekk to NTB. Sørensen refers, among other things, to InFact’s Tromsø poll for Nordlys on Monday, which showed large results for several parties. InFact’s general manager Eirik Helander says that he will deeply regret that InFact has made a mistake. He says it is difficult to comment on the suspicion of errors in several Infact measurements, but that they should look at the numbers again. – Will do. It must be thoroughly checked up and down, says Helander to NTB. Want an overview news Vestfold and Telemark also published an opinion poll that was wrong. – The large measurements news makes in the election are made by Norstat and are based on a different methodology to the one InFact uses for the measurements that have now contained errors, says Marius Lillelien. He is also now working to get an overview of whether news may have other opinion polls from InFact that have not been used. – At news, we are now reviewing further plans for measurements from InFact in order to have a complete overview. news’s ​​district director, Marius Lillelien. Photo: Ole Kaland / news
