Several earthquakes outside Western Norway – Latest news – news

7 September 2023 at 22:15 More earthquakes outside Western Norway The Earthquake Monitoring Service informs NTB that they have received several inquiries, and that they are in the process of checking their data. The European Earthquake Center states that there has been an earthquake in the Norwegian Sea 51 kilometers west of Ulsteinvik. The earthquake had a magnitude of 3.4. It happened at 21:49. The quake was five kilometers deep. It was initially reported that the quake had a magnitude of 4, but this was later downgraded to 3.4. According to NORSAR’s earthquake map, there was also an earthquake outside Florø at 20:29 (pictured). According to the map, this had a strength of 2.5. Sunnmørsposten writes that several people have called them and told them about a possible earthquake. – First there was a loud bang, then there was shaking afterwards. It was so powerful that we jumped out, but there was nothing to see. I thought maybe it was a landslide, since we live by a mountain, says Otto Sandvik in Sandvika between Tjørvåg and Moltustranda.
