Several danger warnings do not reach the tourists – news Vestland

Spectacular Norwegian nature attracts tourists in droves to the country every summer. But spectacular nature can be capricious and only this summer has NVE sent out several danger warnings about flash floods and landslides. – We didn’t know this, Kirst and Daniel Schmidt say, four of the ten days the German tourists have spent in the country they have experienced fresh Westland rain. But no one had told them about the danger warning of flash floods and landslides in the area they are holidaying in. – Sometimes it’s just as well not to know, and enjoy the journey, laughs Kirst. WET: A humid Norwegian summer has not stopped the couple from holidaying in the country. Photo: Wibeke Bruland / news Have to accompany yourself In the event of a yellow danger warning, there is a limit to how many municipalities and local authorities can notify, is the message from the emergency manager in Vestland county. – It is largely based on people having to accompany themselves, says county emergency manager HÃ¥vard Stensvand. He points out that people must subscribe to news and danger alerts and hopes that companies themselves will help spread the message to tourists about what could be dangerous conditions. Notification system pending – With the current arrangements, our experience so far indicates that it is unfortunately not possible to reach everyone with this type of information, says Acting Director of DSB, Johan Marius Ly. He believes that tourist municipalities are busy giving good notice. But before the end of the year, DSB has been commissioned to set up a mobile-based notification service. Today, it is possible to notify everyone within a geographical area with SMS, so-called location-based notification, as municipalities and the Norwegian Directorate of Health did during the pandemic. But the new system will use so-called “Cell Broadcast” technology. Which can notify all phones that are connected to the mobile network in an area. Oslo municipality has had a system for SMS notifications for several years. In Rogaland, Strand municipality was concerned that SMS alerts about dangerous conditions only reached those whose telephones were registered in the municipality. Requested guidelines Last year, the Norwegian Data Protection Authority called for a clearer set of regulations for population notification, among other things for how high the threshold for notification should be. – It is important to consider the privacy consequences when choosing and shaping a new solution for a mobile-based notification system in Norway, says Anders Obrestad, senior legal adviser at the Norwegian Data Protection Authority. He adds that they will follow the process further. The expected notification system is designed for emergency incidents, says Johan Marius Ly. – The solution must be a supplement to today’s typhoon warning, and must be used in the event of danger or acute incidents that threaten life and health, and where, for example, it is necessary to evacuate or seek cover.
