Several cover scars from self-harm with a tattoo – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

– I think it is very nice to look at it, instead of the scars. Zanne Hvid (26) looks down at the colorful feather on one forearm. Under the bright colors, the scars are barely visible. The scars from self-harm that were made during a difficult time with bullying when she was young. Zanne Hvid’s self-harming scars are now covered with a colorful feather. – I want to make my scars a little more invisible, until my children are old enough to understand why my mother hurt herself when she was young. Then I can tell them what happened. Because I want to be honest. For the goal is not to hide the scars. – The most important thing is to shift focus. For the scars will always be there. Hugo Leander Tønnessen, who runs Tanken og Minnet tattoo studio at Sola, is working on coloring Zanne’s scars. The color lines go in the same direction. Lately he has seen something new. Several come to him with scars they want to cover. Zanne Hvid is happy to find it possible to tattoo over scars after self-harm. Photo: Ole Andreas Bø / news Greater openness about scars – I am not a surgeon or psychologist, but I am a traveler getting a tattoo. Then I found out that this could be the solution for me. He has been tattooing scars for a number of years. But now he is experiencing greater openness among his customers than before. Tattoo Hugo Leander Tønnessen sees more and more scars after self-harm. – There has been greater openness, he says. Photo: Ole Andreas Bø / news – The customer is the ordinary man in the street. There has been more focus on mental health after the pandemic, and people dare to be open. Now he fixes scars every day in his studio. There may be scars after self-injury, but also burns and other skin injuries. You can get help – when you want If you need to talk to someone, call Mental Health on 116 123. If you would rather do it in writing, go to «Mental Health» and «SIDETMEDORD» is open 24 hours a day . Have full understanding Mental Health Youth has registered that some choose to tattoo over scars after self-harm. Martin Nordbø, local team leader in Mental Health Youth, believes that one should not be ashamed of having been in such a difficult life situation that one has engaged in self-harm. Photo: Erik Waage / news – Some have chosen to hide the scars with a tattoo to end that part of life and then move on, says local team leader in Mental Health Youth, Martin Nordbø. Others want to let go of glances and questions about an earlier part of their lives, according to Nordbø. This is what another person who has chosen to tattoo over his scars says: – From my own experience, I know that there can be a lot of shame behind the scars. For my own part, who works in a kindergarten, I am positive to be able to cover the scars myself. I know that people around me pay close attention and make up their own minds, without knowing the story. Mental Health Youth believes that one should not be ashamed of having been in such a difficult life situation that one has engaged in self-harm. – I believe that you should not have to cover for scars, at the same time I have full understanding for those who choose to tattoo over the arenas, to be able to start a new chapter in their lives, says Nordbø. Has its reasons For some, the tattoo can have a symbolic meaning: – It is not at all about me being ashamed of the situation I was in, so I would have done it again. And the tattoos I chose have a symbolic meaning, so there is a meaning to it all. Everyone has their story, according to the tattoo artist. Hugo Leander Tønnessen hopes to be able to help more people who want to cover up scars after self-injury. Photo: Ole Andreas Bø / news – And then I assess the scars, I never ask how they arose. However, not all scars are easy to cover. – It can vary a lot. Some are very deep and long, and not everything can be covered. But he believes about 80 percent can be covered. Notices a relief in the customer Leander Tønnessen wants to destigmatize the tattoo. Tattoo artists have always been a bit on the outside of society. – Now we have the opportunity to come in and do something nice, he says. He notices that the interest is great: – We have, among other things, received inquiries from abroad. People want to fly here just to get it done, he says. Tattoo artist Hugo Leander Tønnessen has made it his specialty to cover scars. He learned the technique from a dermatologist. Photo: Ole Andreas Bø The tattoo artist notices a relief in the customer when he walks out the door. – The visible scars have been heavy to carry for many. For Zanne Hvid, the tattoo has meant a lot. – Very important that he has this offer. There are many who sit at home with scars, either after accidents or self-harm.
