Several Conservative politicians protect Erna Solberg after the Økocrim decision – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

The autumn started as an election campaign, but ended after the election as a battle for integrity and credibility. Økokrim has now announced that they see no reason to prosecute Conservative leader Erna Solberg or her husband Sindre Finnes for insider trading. Finnes made over 3,000 share transactions while his wife was prime minister from 2013 to 2021. Critical to the assessments – Økokrim’s task has been to assess whether there is evidence that there have been violations of the Securities Trading Act. We have found no indications of that, says head of Økokrim Pål K. Lønseth. In Conservative circles, key politicians are now calling for Solberg. – It is good that ecocrime has now concluded, it was important to get clarification. The case must then go through the control committee at the Storting, where they will also make their assessments. In any case, it is a boring matter for the Conservative Party and takes away the focus from the very good work that is happening in the municipalities, says Stavanger councilor Sissel Knutsen Hegdal. She believes Solberg is right going forward, both as leader of the Conservative Party and the party’s candidate for prime minister in 2025 – although she is critical of the handling. – I still have confidence in Erna, but it is a very boring matter. I am glad Økokrim has concluded that there are no criminal offences. But I am very critical of the ethical assessments – and the absence of assessments – of Finnes, says Hegdal. – I was not particularly surprised, it is in accordance with what Erna Solberg has explained about previously. I note that Solberg has a very strong position in the party. Support is also still high among voters. She has broad trust and it has been a demanding time for the Conservative Party, says Noralv Distad, deputy leader of the Conservative Party’s county group in Vestland. He has full confidence in her as party leader going forward. Lightened atmosphere The Conservative Party’s county leader in Agder, Harald Furre, is relieved. – It is a relief because there is a clear feedback that they find no indications of illegalities within the Securities Act, says Furre. He admits that the case has dampened the mood after an otherwise very good local election. – The atmosphere in the party is good, but pending precisely when it comes to the party leadership and the way forward, says Furre. Buskerud leader Kristin Ørmen Johnsen says she is relieved that Økokrim is not launching an investigation. – We have to trust that they have looked at it and that it is not insider trading. I don’t think Erna had contributed to this. Here in Høyre Rogaland, people have been keen to get into new roles and positions. I think that Erna is a natural leader until something indicates that she shouldn’t or the central government says that she shouldn’t, says Ane Mari Braut Nese, Høyre’s county leader in Rogaland. Solberg wants to answer Erna Solberg writes the following in a comment about the Økokrim decision: – I take note of Økokrim’s decision and am glad that they seem to have carried out a thorough review of various issues related to insider trading. I have always been completely clear that I have never shared inside information with Sindre, and in that sense this is in line with what I expected. At the same time, the Conservative leader says that she is sorry to have been incompetent in several cases: – I am still determined to clean it up by answering all questions. I have done that for seven weeks to the press and to the Storting, and next Tuesday I will appear at a hearing in the control committee.
