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– Qatar has many events and sporting events. It is not because the country is interested in sports. It’s just to look good, say Mol and Sørum to news. In January, the beach volleyball duo concluded the postponed 2022 season in Qatar. Just one week later, the year’s first tournament for the 2023 season took place in the same city. Both tournaments still with Norwegian gold. news spoke to Mol and Sørum during their stay in the Gulf state. – There are several people who are critical of playing in Doha. Things happen behind the scenes, but it is quite a big battle to take on such a large federation as the FIVB, says Mol. – Should Qatar be allowed to host? – In a perfect value: no, the duo replies bluntly. Mol and Sørum have nevertheless chosen to compete in the tournaments that are organized in the country. – Now it has come out more in the media after the football World Cup. We have looked into the matter and after the World Cup we were more involved in it. But now the world series final is here and we don’t have that many tournaments to play, so we have in a way chosen to play, they explain. WANTS FULL TRIBUNALS: With a crowd like this, the sand volleyball duo plays best. In Qatar, there is little involvement in the stands. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB Want change – One is governed by large international confederations. It is a shame that the sport is set up in such a way that it is the confederation that has power over the players and that there is such a hierarchy, says Sørum with support from his teammate. But, now the duo has joined a sports association (IBVPA) in the hope that changes can happen. In the previous tournament, they wanted dialogue with other athletes about a boycott. – We have to find out if we have support and what we can do with a view to a boycott next year or to stand up for ourselves. Because there is no doubt that there are more people who are dissatisfied and there are more people who want to boycott, they say. As world leaders, Mol and Sørum want to drive the sport in the right direction. – I think we have quite a lot of influence considering the status we have in the sand volleyball world. So it may well be that in the future we can help to influence in the right way with regard to the organizers here in Doha. Now they hope that the union and the players’ group together can bring about the change. – There will be no boycott if we do not stand together. So when you decide to do something, there is a strong message from several people. In a way, it is decisive and important that we stand together in the group we are, that we do things together as a collective, says Sørum. – Then one also has greater power, that is why the group exists. Then we’ll see what happens in the future, adds Mol. news has tried to get hold of the Swedish beach volleyball team, Åhman/Hellvig. They played all the way to a final against Mol and Sørum in the opening tournament for the 2023 season. The Swedes did not want to be interviewed as they had not discussed the topic. Get support – Often the only language politicians understand is boycott. If there is any point in boycotting the tournament in Qatar, I think it is difficult to say anything about as I do not know the details of this case. It is important to try dialogue first, Viaplay’s expert commentator Vegard Høidalen tells news. He has commented on the tournaments in Doha and agrees with the criticism Mol and Sørum make. – There are many tournaments around the world now that I don’t think are on target in relation to a number of things. The tournaments in Qatar are definitely one of them, he adds. Høidalen knows the FIVB from the inside and believes that the way the sport has gone in recent years is not the right way. – Something has to be done, and listening to the players is always the right place to start. Sport is for the athletes, it is not sport that is for the leaders. People with power in many different positions very often forget who and what they work for, Høidalen believes. LUCK NOT GOAL: Vegard Høidalen agrees with Mol and Sørum that a change is needed. Photo: Vidar Ruud / NTB No culture Mol and Sørum admit that playing in Qatar does not come without an aftertaste. – It is a shame that there are no people in the stands and that there is no interest, they say. The dream of all beach volleyball players is to play in front of packed stands, but in Qatar they believe there are other things that are more important. – Here in Qatar there is no culture for the sport, even though they have one of the best beach volleyball teams in the world. It’s a shame to see that it’s going in that direction, says the Norwegian duo with small sadness. AT THE WORLD STOP: Cherif Younousse and Ahmed Tijan represent Qatar and won bronze at the Olympics in Tokyo. Nevertheless, almost no one is cheering them on in the stands in Qatar. Photo: DANIEL LEAL-OLIVAS / AFP The star duo wants to work to get a tournament to Norway. – It is a problem that we are not allowed to play at home in Norway and have to play away at places like here. It is time to set up a tournament in Norway so we can really show how it should be done, says Mol. Despite much criticism, the duo agree that there has been a development in the sand volleyball tournaments in Qatar in recent years. – Now there is a tournament for women here as well. It wasn’t three years ago, then it wasn’t allowed. Or then Qatar did not accept that it was a women’s tournament. Now it’s legal and they play, says Sørum. There has long been much discussion about the women who play in bikinis. In Qatar, the women have to play in a different outfit. – The ladies play with shorts, mind you. But it is a development, so it is in a way a good thing in all this. But yes, the girls play with shorts and a singlet, to respect the culture here in Doha. That’s fair enough, they insist.
