Several accidents in a short time – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

No serious injuries have been reported in any of the cases. However, the road is slippery on several roads as a result of the snowfall overnight on Monday. – There has been rainfall in the entire district, and we request that road users take the snowfall into account – and adjust their speed according to the conditions, says Sørøst police district on Twitter on Monday morning. Struggling on fresh snow There have already been several accidents on the E18 on Monday morning. Slow-moving traffic has been announced in several places. At 07.45 the police report that they have moved out to the E-18 southbound at Jensvoll outside Drammen. There, a wagon train struggles with the fresh snow – and stands with its rear end partially stuck out in one road. – Attention, attention to other road users, the police write on Twitter. Three accidents in half an hour At the Mølledamsbrua on the E18 in Sande, a car spun around and collided with another vehicle shortly after 07:00. Three people were involved in the accident, but no one was seriously injured. Just minutes earlier, there was a crash near Bommestad in Larvik, where a car drove into the guardrail on the same main road. No one was seriously physically injured. At 06.45 there was a crash at Sundbyveien in Bamble, where a vehicle drove off the road. No injuries have been reported in this case either, but a lamp post was hit hard at the scene. Stian Molteberg, traffic operator at Vegtrafikksentralen, talks about demanding roads. – There is a decent flow, but in connection with certain traffic accidents, there is a bit of a queue. Keep your distance and take it easy, is his call.
