Set fire to house – shot neighbors who fled – Latest news – news

28 August 2022 at 18:52 Set fire to house – shot neighbors who fled A man in Houston, Texas, killed several neighbors in a multi-family house after he had been thrown out of one of the apartments there, the police say. It was around 8 o’clock in the morning Norwegian time when the man set fire to the apartment building. As the other tenants ran out to get to safety, the man started shooting at them. Three people were killed and two were injured, the police said. The man also shot at the firefighters who came to put out the fire. They had to seek refuge until the police arrived. The perpetrator was eventually shot and killed by the police. A man who lives in one of the neighboring houses told the Houston Chronicle newspaper that the perpetrator, who had cancer, was behind on the rent, was unemployed and had recently been told that he would be evicted from the apartment. – He must have reached a point where he didn’t care anymore, says the neighbour. (© NTB)
