Set aside half a billion extra for Palestine – Latest news – news

22 November 2023 at 15:13 Setting aside half a billion extra for Palestine – We are setting aside half a billion kroner through allocations in the humanitarian budget and regroupings, so that Norway can be there when the borders open, says Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre during LO’s cartel conference at Gol. He adds that it must be done by organizations that can be trusted, so that help reaches those who need it. VG reports that, in concrete terms, Norway is now providing around NOK 350 million in increased humanitarian aid to Gaza. In addition, there will be around 100 million in increased budget support for the Palestinian Authority and an amount for food security in Gaza. – After this horrible thing that is now happening, there must be a new tomorrow and a new situation where we can negotiate for lasting peace in this region, says Støre.
