Serious violence in central Trondheim overnight to Sunday – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

Just before 04:00 a man in his late teens was beaten down in Gaubekveita. The person concerned was taken by ambulance to St. Olav’s hospital, and the situation is unclear. – Based on the descriptions, it may indicate that the perpetrator is a young man, but there must also have been several others present, says Bente Bøklepp, police attorney in Trøndelag police district. The suspect and several others must have left the scene after the incident, according to witnesses at the scene. – We ask that the perpetrator and those who were with him contact the police, says Bøklepp. The police are asking anyone who has been in the area around Gaubekveita, Fjordgata and Carl Johans gate in central Trondheim to get in touch. Photo: Bjarte Johansen / news It is too early to say anything about the relationship between the two involved. Want tips from anyone who was in the area Bøklepp says the police are investigating and want information about the violent incident. The police ask the perpetrator and witness to contact them as soon as possible on telephone number 73 48 94 00 or via – We want everyone who has been in the area of ​​Gaubekveita, Fjordgata and Carl Johans gate, plus/minus four o’clock tonight to contact the police. Police prosecutor Bente Bøklepp in Trøndelag police district asks the perpetrator and witness to contact the police. Photo: Grete Thobroe / news Bøklepp also asks any witnesses not to decide for themselves whether the information they have is important or not. – If they haven’t seen anything either, we would like them to get in touch, so that movements in the area can be mapped. There should also have been an argument in Carl Johans gate ahead of the violent incident, which the police also want information about from witnesses. The police are asking anyone who has been in the area around Gaubekveita, Fjordgata and Carl Johans gate around 4am on Sunday to get in touch.
