Serious traffic accident in western Norway – nine people involved – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

At 19.09 the police reported a traffic accident in a small municipality outside Bergen. Operations manager Tore Andre Brakstad tells news that two cars must have first collided head-on, before a third car must have collided with them. He also says that there are several injured people at the scene. Two people are described as seriously injured. One of these must be clamped. Photo: Sandor Dahl – First aid is carried out on the spot, says Brakstad. At a quarter past eight, the west police district writes that three people have been taken to hospital. At a quarter to nine, the Road Traffic Center writes that the road is open to traffic. – There is still some oil spillage on the road, so the police are on the scene to keep the speed down, until the contractor is in place, they write on Twitter.
