Sentenced to twelve years in prison for the murder of Trones in Sandnes – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

The man in his 30s and the man in his 20s were actually friends. They lived together in a basement flat at Trones in Sandnes. But on the floor above in the same house lived a woman. The relationship between the three would eventually end in murder. In any case, that is the conclusion of the Sør-Rogaland district court. In the recent verdict, the court sees few mitigating circumstances: The man in his 30s is sentenced to twelve years in prison. Told about the relationship In autumn 2021, the two men moved into the basement flat in Sandnes together. The man in his 30s gradually developed a relationship with the woman on the floor above. The offended man in his 20s is said to have told about the relationship with the woman’s ex-husband, and all hell broke loose, according to the verdict. The ex-husband of the woman perceived that the defendant had stolen the woman from him and must have become very angry. But it was the murdered man in his 20s who had told his ex-husband about the relationship between the convicted murderer and the woman, according to the verdict. The relationship between the two dorm mates therefore quickly became very bad. It also did not help the mood that the offended wanted to be with the woman’s sister, which the sister did not want. Death threats The defendant claimed in court that the murdered man in his 20s threatened him and the woman with their lives during this period. The couple must therefore have lived in fear. The people involved are originally from a culture where honor killings occur. On 27 April last year, the convicted murderer bought himself a knife at a shopping center in Sandnes. He then went home to the man in his 20s. The man in his 30s is said to have chased the victim around the house and along the way stabbed him several times with the newly purchased knife. The victim is said to have shouted “no, no, no”, according to a neighbour, who caught the whole incident. Finally, the man in his 30s delivered the fatal stab to the head. The man in his 20s signed about. “I killed him”, the convicted murderer is said to have said to the neighbour. Partly believed The convicted murderer has explained that he bought the knife because he felt threatened. The court believes the convicted murderer on this point, but does not believe that there are any mitigating circumstances. According to the verdict, the victim was unarmed when he was attacked. A unanimous court therefore concludes that the man must be sentenced to twelve years in prison, which is the standard punishment for murder when there are no special mitigating or aggravating circumstances. The man in his 30s is also sentenced to pay close to NOK 300,000 in compensation to the victim’s mother. The defense attorney, Morten Andreassen, emphasizes that the man has pleaded guilty from the start. Morten Andreassen Photo: Linda Vespestad / news – He was clear in court that he wants punishment for what he has done, and that he is ready to take his punishment. So he takes note of the verdict, says Andreassen to news. – And what do you think about a possible appeal? – We will discuss that after he has had the sentence served in his native language, and so everyone understands the nuances in it, says the lawyer.
