Sentenced to three years and four months in prison and compensation claim – news Dokumentar

The case in summary Shakeel Muzaffar has been convicted of defrauding 12 people of over NOK 10 million, mainly by claiming that he could help them get home loans. He has been sentenced to three years and four months in prison, with 235 days suspended, and has also been sentenced to pay compensation of a total of NOK 15.6 million to the 12 victims. Muzaffar was arrested in Romania in January 2022, after being internationally wanted because he did not appear in court in April 2022. Several of the victims have been left with large debts, collection notices, ongoing interest and increasing loans after being deceived by Muzaffar . It is uncertain how the compensation claim will be arranged. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAI. The content is quality assured by news journalists before publication. Shakeel Muzaffar has been convicted of defrauding 12 people for a total of more than NOK 10 million. Several of the offended say Shakeel was supposed to help them get a home loan. They still end up with debt and no home. – They had confidence in me. They handed over bank tokens, personal passwords. I applied for a loan online, took payment on some of them, then I took the money myself, Shakeel said in court. He explained that most of the fraud happened when people contacted him through acquaintances. There had been a rumor that he could arrange loans. He explained that “it happened suddenly” that he started taking the money himself. Shakeel has been sentenced to three years and four months in prison. He gets a reduced sentence of 235 days, which he spends in custody. He has also been sentenced to pay compensation of a total of NOK 15.8 million to the 12 victims. – He will probably consider accepting the sentence. When it comes to the compensation claim, he is prepared to settle, says defender Usama Ahmad from the Elden law firm after the verdict has been delivered. – Regrets The sentence comes over two years after he was first due in court. In 2022, he did not show up, and was internationally wanted. When news found Shakeel in Romania in 2022, his answer was that “they were involved in it themselves”: In January of this year, Shakeel was arrested in Romania, and now he has admitted criminal guilt. – I regret what I did. It was very wrong. But, I kind of did it, Shakeel said in court. Usama Ahmad from Elden law firm is defending Shakeel Muzaffar. He took over the case from a colleague just a week before the case went to court. Photo: Kari Nygard Tvilde / news Defense attorney Usama Ahmad added that Shakeel “had a desire to apologize to those offended”. – Yes, answered Shakeel. – It has been important to you, said Ahmad. – Yes, answered Shakeel. When Shakeel Muzaffar pleaded guilty to the indictment, seven hours were spent in the Drammen District Court on 29 August. No witness was called. The case went to court in Drammen as some of the victims had addresses there. Photo: Kari Nygard Tvilde / news – I’m easy Until now, several of the defendants have been dealing with debt, collection notices, ongoing interest and increasing loans. One of the offended calls news “Adam”. – I am relieved that I at least got a trial, but I think the punishment is low. Not just for him, but for everyone else who does this. With the damage that has been done to me, it is not enough, says Adam. He is still happy because Shakeel gets a punishment. – I know there are many victims where the person has still not been caught, the case has been put away, and that the person is enjoying himself somewhere abroad, so I am satisfied in a way, he says. “Adam” was tricked by Shakeel in July 2017. He then wanted to buy a flat for his wife and children. Now Shakeel has been sentenced to pay compensation to Adam of over NOK 3 million. Adam hopes that he will be debt free. Photo: Patrick da Silva Sæther / Patrick da Silva Sæther – He ruined my life Some of those news has been in contact with have received help from the ID lawyer to delete up to one million kroner from the claim. The wife of one of the offended says that her husband is no longer able to work. They have had large expenses for health care after the man was deceived. – Shakeel has managed to destroy my husband, me and my family. When news met him in Romania, he denied everything, and the fact that he is confessing now makes me frustrated, she says. For four years, she and her husband have paid dearly, both financially and psychologically. – He ruined my life, says the man. After a man was cheated by Shakeel in February 2020, he was left with a pile of claims against him, and almost half a million in debt. He and his wife dreamed of buying a house. – It has been like a bad dream, says his wife. Photo: Patrick da Silva Sæther / news Hoping to get her life back She news calls “Jasmin” begins to laugh when she hears that Shakeel has confessed and is being sentenced. – I think about how much pain I have had for six years. That he stands for it is very good. She “only wants the debt to be cancelled”. – I really hope that I can, I can start living a normal life, where I can fulfill my dreams. Buying a flat and being able to have my own car are my biggest dreams. “Jasmin” doesn’t think a confession from Shakeel will help much: – In any case, it won’t help us with the damage he has caused us. He ruined my life, she says. Photo: Patrick da Silva Sæther / news She, who was friends with Jasmin, was also tricked, and thinks it’s good that Shakeel has confessed. She has struggled a lot in recent years. – When I heard him confess, it was as if several stones were lifted from my shoulders. I thought that, finally, maybe I can get my life back now. Was supposed to help with investment One of the offended lost NOK 428,710 and the indictment states that it was supposed to go to joint business. Shakeel said in court that he was going to help the man invest. – In gold and electrical goods, said Shakeel. Shakeel took the money himself, and also took out credit loans in four banks of NOK 58,000. A man paid NOK 316,000 to Shakeel, because Shakeel said it was “what it costs for the loan”. Another lost NOK 47,500 in the same way. Shakeel does not remember whether he actually applied for a loan for the two of them. In court, Shakeel explained that several of the offending persons contacted him after he had taken out a loan from them. And he responded like this: – Said it would work out, Shakeel said in court. news met Shakeel in Arad. He was arrested, almost two years later, in Timișoara. Uncertain about compensation Shakeel must pay compensation within two weeks of the verdict, but it is uncertain how this will be arranged. The prosecutor is police attorney Line Lobben Pettersen at the South-East police district. Photo: Kari Nygard Tvilde / news – Now he will receive a judgment on compensation claims, and I cannot comment on how credit institutions will follow it up, says prosecutor Line Lobben Pettersen. Defense attorney Usama Ahmad says Shakeel Muzaffar has accepted responsibility for damages. – He has said in court that he will try, according to his own ability, to be able to pay off what he can, in the future. It is something that will haunt him for the rest of his life, says Ahmad. Associate lawyer Yusufine Opprann at the Nordhus & Aarø law firm. Photo: Kari Nygard Tvilde / news Attorney Yusufine Opprann says the four victims, whom she represented, are relieved that the case has finally been dealt with by the district court. – It has been a long and difficult process both psychologically and financially for all those offended, says Opprann. She says it is difficult to say anything about the compensation claim and what the result will be: – Whether it is the bank that will take responsibility for it, whether it is the state, whether it is him, or whether it is the offended who must continue and suffer this huge wallpaper. Claims for compensation for the victim in the case against Shakeel Several victims thought Muzaffar was going to help them get a loan. Muzaffar instead took out credit card loans and loans, and took the money himself. A man thought the money should be used for a joint business with electronics and gold. Shakeel is also said to have created an account in this man’s name, and is said to have applied for credit loans from three financial institutions. Shakeel Muzaffar has been sentenced to pay a total claim of NOK 15,881,463 and the following in compensation for financial loss: Man – Compensation of NOK 3,811,797. Man – Compensation of NOK 2,652,309. Woman – Compensation of NOK 2,314,391. Woman – Compensation of 2,018,839.71. Woman – Compensation of 1,652,141.80. Man – Compensation of NOK 925,956. Woman – Compensation of NOK 636,861.00 Man – Compensation of NOK 555,154.18. Man – Compensation of NOK 480,380. Man – Compensation of NOK 428,710. Man – Compensation of NOK 316,000. Man – Compensation of NOK 47,500. Debt collection company – Compensation of 11,423.36. Shakeel Muzaffar has also been sentenced to pay restitution compensation to a woman of NOK 30,000. Source: Judgment against Shakeel Muzaffar from August/September 2024. Do you have any tips? Thank you for reading the case. If you have any tips about this particular case, or anything or anyone who may have something to do with the case, please send me an e-mail If you have other tips, about completely different matters or topics, you can also write to me. Alternatively, you can read more cases here: Published 04.09.2024, at 16.26
