Sentenced to four years and six months in prison after the Tolga abduction – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

It was TV 2 that first reported on the verdict handed down in the Østre Innlandet district court. The man who has been referred to as the “orderer” and “planner” of the abduction has been sentenced to the most severe sentence of four years and six months’ imprisonment. Defense attorney Marius Ihlebæk says his client is surprised. NOT DECIDED: Defense attorney Marius Ihlebæk says that his client, who has been sentenced to four years and six months in prison, has not yet decided whether to appeal the sentence. Photo: Alexander Nordby / news – My client is surprised that the district court has accepted the prosecutor’s claim. He believes that the penalty is significantly higher than equivalent and comparable practice. And then he is surprised that he is not believed that they had agreed that violence should not be used in connection with the abduction in Tolga, says Ihlebæk. He and the client have not yet decided whether to appeal the verdict. Østre Innlandet district court has sentenced a further two of the defendants to prison terms of two years and three months and two years respectively. Lawyer Harald Grape says that his client, who has been sentenced to prison for two years, will appeal. – We believe that the court distinguishes too little between the different roles in the abduction. I also believe that the penalty is initially too high, this is not a serious deprivation of liberty, says Grape to news. Defense lawyer Lars Mathias Undheim represents the man who has now been sentenced to two years and three months in prison. The defense attorney writes to news that his client is satisfied that the sentence was about a year lower than what the prosecution requested. – At the same time, we note that the court has taken too high a starting point for the punishment compared to other legal practice, that he has undeservedly received a lower confession discount than the so-called driver and that insufficient emphasis has been placed on his salvage intent and how he went about limiting the damage to the victim, writes Undheim. The defender states that they will now read the judgment carefully to assess whether there are grounds for an appeal. A fourth defendant was acquitted by the district court. He was the driver during parts of the abduction, but has always denied guilt and explained that he did not know what was going on. Defense attorney Klaus Arne Munkeby Linnaae tells news that the client is very satisfied to have been believed. – It is nice to be heard for the arguments we had during the main hearing that there is insufficient evidence for a conviction, says the defender. HAD THE WEAPON: Here is the caliber 22 revolver that was used during the abduction in Tolga. The victim was shot in the buttocks during the attack, but was not seriously injured. Photo: The police Was shot during the attack It was the night of 2 January 2022 that a 20-year-old man was attacked in his parents’ home in Vingelen in Tolga. The man was shot but not seriously injured during the attack. The prosecution believes that the motive for the abduction was debt to a drug gang. The intruders took the 20-year-old down Østerdalen. He was missing for a day. The victim’s parents were both subjected to violence during the incident. Four men in their 20s were arrested and charged with aggravated deprivation of liberty. The men have pleaded guilty to varying degrees. One of the men was also charged with drug dealing. It must have been hashish, cocaine, marijuana and MDMA. Compensation The offended man in his 20s and his parents have both been awarded compensation following the violent incident in Tolga. The three men found guilty of the deprivation of liberty must together pay NOK 175,000 in compensation to the 20-year-old and NOK 130,000 to each of the parents.
