Sentenced to detention for 7 years and six months for setting fire to a listed building in Hamar – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The listed building in the center of Hamar was completely damaged in the dramatic fire on 26 January two years ago. The damages amounted to around NOK 46 million. The old part was probably from the mid-19th century and the newer extension was from the 1950s. The entire block of flats was protected in accordance with Hamar’s municipal sub-plan from 2011, says the judgment from the Østre Innlandet district court. On Monday, the man was sentenced to detention for 7 years and six months. He is also ordered to pay compensation to four people. The man gets a deduction for having spent a year and a half in custody. Serious fire The oldest part of the building contained a watchmaker and an optician on the first floor, and had two apartments on the second floor. The District Court finds that the damage is particularly serious due to the size of the values ​​that were lost and the size of the building stock. The defendant acted in self-inflicted intoxication, but must be judged as sober. His intent also includes the circumstances that make the relationship particularly serious. After a lengthy investigation, the man in his 30s was charged with lighting a fire in one of the apartments in the block of flats. He was also charged under the previous arson section for setting fire to the basement apartment he lived in, in May 2019. Several children and adults were sleeping in the house, and they could have died if the fire had not been discovered and notified in time , according to the indictment. – Through the investigation, we have also looked at previous circumstances that can be linked to the defendant. That is the reason why we are left with more fires, said state attorney Magnus Schartum-Hansen to news when the indictment was ready. Set fire to basement flat The man has also been sentenced to pay NOK 240,000. The court finds it proven beyond reasonable doubt that the defendant shortly before 00.43 on Thursday 23 May 2019 in his then rented basement flat in Hamar, deliberately lit flammable material with open fire in the hallway inside the kitchen. The house consisted of three apartments, one apartment on the first floor and two basement apartments. There were eight people in the house when the fire started, several of whom were sleeping. Shortly after the defendant had lit the fire in his apartment, he left the home on his electric scooter/wheelchair. He brought his dog and his computer. The defendant’s apartment was completely damaged in the fire. In the other apartments there was extensive smoke damage. The whole house was later demolished, and a new house was rebuilt. The insurance payouts in connection with the fire amount to approx. 8.4 million. Police at the scene asked the defendant to blow into a breathalyzer, but he did not want to. He was then produced for a blood sample at Hamar emergency room, where at At 01:32 he was found to have a blood alcohol level of 1.58.
