Sends new preparedness advice in the mail to 2.2 million households – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

– Right this time, I think it is very important that the message gets on paper, so that everyone can get it, regardless of how digital they are. That’s what Elisabeth Sørbøe Aarsæther, director of the Directorate for Social Security and Preparedness (DSB), says. – It is rare for the authorities to go out in this way: A common product for the whole people. It is very unusual in 2024, so it will probably stick out a bit in the letterbox, she believes. Troubled everyday life In May, the new advice for self-preparedness came out, adjusted from the 2018 advice. You should have this at home: 20 liters of clean drinking water per person stored in jugs or bottles. Food that can withstand storage at room temperature. Grill, cooker or storm kitchen. Warm clothes, blankets, duvets and sleeping bags. Matches and candles. Wood if you have a wood stove or fireplace. A gas or kerosene stove intended for indoor use is an alternative to wood burning. Agreement on accommodation if you do not have alternative heating. Flashlights or headlamps that run on batteries, cranks or solar cells. DAB radio that runs on batteries, crank or solar cells. Medicines and first aid equipment. Iodine tablets (applies to children and adults under 40, pregnant and breastfeeding women). Hygiene items such as wet wipes, hand sanitizer, nappies, toilet paper and menstrual products. Batteries and charged battery bank. Some cash and several payment cards. Food and water for pets. List on paper with important telephone numbers such as emergency numbers, emergency room, vet, family, friends and neighbours. Source: The Directorate for Community Security and Emergency Preparedness The biggest change is that people are expected to be able to fend for themselves for seven days, up from three days previously. WORKED FOR A LONG TIME: Aarsæther says they have worked continuously since the last council to revise new ones. In the last year, they have worked intensively on the rush. Photo: Lars Tore Endresen / news – Weather and storms are in a completely different way than a few years ago. There is war in Europe, and that can affect, for example, supply lines. All in all, it’s a much more restless everyday life, points out the DSB director. The main point for DSB is to encourage everyone who is healthy and can take care of themselves to have greater endurance. Thus, those who cannot take care of themselves can access the resources in the event of an accident or disaster. I think you will find use for the brochure Aarsæther thinks it is likely that people will find use for the new advice. Are you up to date on the new preparedness advice? Have steel inspection Well, not sure about that No, I need a paper brochure Holder with the info I can find online Show result – It is likely, because we live far north. Weather can take its toll. If you are isolated, you need water and a small radio with a battery so you can get information, she says and adds: – Then we hope the most serious, such as war situations, will not happen. But it is important to think through what and if. The DSB director does not think the brochure will cause fear. – The opposite happens because people get scared. Because then they know where to start. The whole purpose is not to overwhelm with information, but to provide a solid point to start from. Preparedness friend and mental health Other innovations in the revised councils are, for example, the topic of mental health in crisis. – It has to do with the fact that the world is wilder in every way than last time, says the director of emergency preparedness. New preparedness advice and brochure The new preparedness advice from the Directorate for Social Security and Preparedness (DSB) was launched on 29 May 2024. In the last week of October, DSB will send out a brochure with the most important advice in a paper brochure to all Norwegian households. DSB says they have collaborated with the police, defense and healthcare to ensure agreement on the most elementary advice. The brochure is available in 28 different languages ​​in addition to Bokmål, Nynorsk and Sami. DSB believes that paper brochures are important in order to also reach the part of the population that is not digital. Source: DSB She continues: – Therefore, we must also include how people should take care of themselves psychologically, if they are isolated. The brochure also encourages everyone to get an emergency friend, i.e. an ally they can work with in a crisis situation. – Shall we have it too? PREPARED: Margot Jenssen. Photo: Lars Tore Endresen / news Preparedness friend was not something the people news spoke to in a grocery store at Hovenga in Porsgrunn knew. – No, I haven’t. It just has to go as it goes, says Margot Jenssen. – Shall we have it too? No, I haven’t. I haven’t even thought about that, says merchant Kristine Danielsen. BAD CONSCIENCE: Kristine Danielsen at Rema Hovenga in Porsgrunn. Photo: Lars Tore Endresen / news Jenssen, on the other hand, is much improved in other areas. – If the power goes out, I have a gas appliance to cook on, and I can fire with gas, she points out. Danielsen is somewhat weaker: – My mother and father nag at me. And they are prepared, but I have been a bit sluggish, she admits. Published 12.09.2024, at 21.11
