Self-critical Hammer regrets – received a cheating warning about the chess president – ​​news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– I think it is absolutely terrible that someone on the team cheated, says Jon Ludvig Hammer to news. The cheating admission of chess president Joachim Birger Nilsen hit the chess community like a bomb on Thursday afternoon. The 29-year-old admits he played one four-game match in the opening group stage of the Pro Chess League online tournament with another person in the room, who was hidden from his opponents. Hammer, who was the team leader for “Norway Gnomes”, says that he was notified by after the incident in January 2017. – I received an email from where they say that a player on their team has been given the status of “under review”. further explains that the player is welcome to participate in future matches, as long as there is a referee in the room, or as long as he is in the same room as a teammate or manager, says Hammer. EXPERT AND PLAYER: Jon Ludvig Hammer. Photo: Carina Johansen / NTB TV 2 The expert has long been Norway’s second best chess player. He and world number one Magnus Carlsen made up the team, in addition to Nilsen and a bunch of other chess profiles. Hammer says that he became very worried when the chess website contacted him. – I was disappointed. I thought it was likely that he had cheated. Already at that time, I had great confidence in’s anti-cheating methodology, replies Hammer. Regrets that Nilsen was allowed to continue playing Nilsen has explained to news that he does not remember whether he was presented with evidence from, but says there was a suspicion that something illegal had taken place. Nilsen was allowed to play the final of the tournament a few weeks later. – Should you have taken Nilsen out of the final, Hammer? – I was at another tournament in Sweden. The semi-final and final were played on Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday, Aryan Tari and I sat and played the semi-finals. We didn’t know we were going to play the final, and the following Sunday there was a crew problem. Those of us who had played in the tournament were on a journey. This meant that we had to field a weakened team in the final. I don’t remember what I thought, but I let Joachim play. – Do you regret it? – Yes I do. But I want to emphasize that there was nothing formally wrong in doing so. had said it was okay for him to play. In retrospect, however, I wish I was a little more overcautious with a player “flagged,” Hammer replies. – Does this put you and Magnus Carlsen in a bad light? – No. Nor will he comment on whether Nilsen should step down as chess president. The chess clubs react: – Can’t be forgiven Chairman of Fredrikstad Chess Company Rolf Livendahl thinks it’s good that Nilsen admits to cheating. – But I am terribly disappointed by these things. Especially when talking about a key person who sits at the top of the chessboard, Han continues: – It is good that it comes to light, but it cannot be allowed or forgiven. In a long interview with news, the chess president has laid flat after cheating. – It was not legal, and I am quite clear about that. The fact that it was many years ago has nothing to do with it. You shouldn’t do this at all, Nilsen told news on Thursday. Photo: Thomas Andreassen / VG – Just like with doping But even if the top leader in Chess-Norway admits to cheating, Livendahl does not necessarily want to throw him out the door. – It is difficult to say whether we have confidence, because it happened six years ago. But in a top position you must set a good example for the environment. Confidence has obviously weakened, says Livendahl. – Isn’t it unfortunate that the chess president cheats? – It is not lucky at all, it is beyond all criticism. Those of us who have played chess over the years try to teach the young that you shouldn’t cheat. It’s just like with doping. It is beyond any criticism. PROFILE: Joachim Nilsen is chess president and editor of Norsk Sjakkblad. He has a rating of 2416. Photo: Torstein Sørheim Bjørkås / news Jan S. Berglund, who is chairman of Tromsø Chess Club, says that he is shocked by the revelations. Although he will not necessarily demand the resignation of the chess president, he is clear about what he should do. – It is a scandal and bad for the reputation of chess. He must consider whether he should continue to be a leader after this. Carlsen has already settled against cheating, and it does not look good if he continues as president, Berglund told news. He points out that he is not only the top leader in Chess-Norway, but he also represents chess internationally. – Then it could happen that he either chooses to resign himself or that he receives a vote of no confidence from the board. But I guess he’s leaving, he says. Chairman of his own club disappointed John Salomon, who was a teammate of Nilsen in “Norway Gnomes”, is very disappointed with the chess president. – I am shocked and deeply disappointed. Cheating in chess is completely devastating, and is something I did not think occurred at the top level in Norway. It is incredibly disrespectful to the opponents, who have dedicated their lives to chess. Even worse than online cheating is cheating “over the board”, which I believe should be punished with a lifetime ban, says Salomon to news. He gave the same statement to Dagbladet earlier today. Nilsen represents Bergen Chess Club, and has previously been a board member of the club. The current chairman of the club, Eirik T. Gullaksen, is disappointed that their member has cheated. – It is a very unfortunate case and it is not acceptable to break the tournament rules in that way. But it’s a completely different category than Niemann, says Gullaksen to news. He further says that it is good that Nilsen has admitted the mistake. He says that he still has confidence in the chess president. – Personally, I have to say I still have it. He has made a good effort for chess as president and editor, says Gullaksen. – So you think he can continue as chess president? – I feel it. I think online chess was not taken seriously at that time. This was six years ago, and it was mostly entertainment at the time. It wasn’t that serious. During corona exploded online, with Carlsen’s Champions Chess Tour. I think there is a different attitude to it than six years ago. It is cleaner and more professional now.
