Seeking out the ex with a Santa mask and a gun – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary A 56-year-old man has been sentenced to 25 days in prison and has been given a three-year ban on visiting the municipality where his former partner lives. The man and woman had a conflict-filled breakup after almost 20 years together. After the breakup, the woman and her family received many calls and messages from the man, and the woman suspected him of vandalizing her property. On Christmas Eve last year, the man drove to the woman’s house to get a “proper ending” to the relationship, wearing a Santa mask and armed with an air pistol. He was apprehended by a family member of the woman. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. The Telemark district court has now sentenced the 56-year-old man to 25 days in prison for intimidating and reckless behaviour. He is also banned from visiting the municipality the woman lives in for three years. Conflict-filled breakup The man and the woman had been together for almost 20 years before the relationship ended in 2023. After the breakup, the couple argued about the financial settlement. They still do not agree and have each engaged their own lawyer. After the woman left the man, both she and her family received many phone calls and messages from the man. According to the woman, she received, among other things, close to 300 messages while she was at a seminar. Some of them contained what she found to be frightening movie quotes. The ex is suspected of vandalism After the breakup, several things happened that she believes the ex was behind. Among other things, it involved vandalism to her car, the fiber cable in the house, the electrical system and the heat pump. She reported several of the conditions to the police, but the cases were dropped because there was a lack of evidence. However, the ex was granted a restraining order against the woman for one year. However, the woman did not feel safe and had several surveillance cameras installed. The cameras that sent a notification on the phone to both the woman and a family member if there was movement around the house. Filmed by a surveillance camera Late in the evening on Christmas Eve last year, the man set out on a two-hour drive to get what he called “a proper end” to his relationship with the woman. The 56-year-old knew about one of the surveillance cameras and therefore took an air pistol with him. He donned a mask and gloves before shooting at the camera at close range. By using a Santa mask and plastic gloves, he believed that it could not be proven that it was he who had done it in a possible criminal case for breaching the restraining order, the judgment states. The woman heard noises outside, and on video from the camera in the entrance area she saw a person wearing a Santa mask who was turning the camera down. Was put on the ground Shortly after, the family member who had been alerted by one of the cameras also arrived. He put the man on the ground and had control over him until the police arrived an hour later. The court believes that it was a planned action on the defendant’s part, and that he was willing to travel far to carry it out. In the court’s view, he had a strong desire to act intimidatingly and recklessly towards the victim. The 56-year-old must now stay away from the municipality where the woman lives for the next three years and has also been banned from contacting her. He must also pay the ex NOK 12,000 in compensation. Published 01.07.2024, at 15.41
