See who will receive the Nobel Peace Prize 2023 – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

At 11 o’clock we will find out who will receive the Nobel Peace Prize for 2023. You can watch the award live here on and on NRK1. After the Nobel Committee had gathered for the year’s first meeting at the end of February, the committee’s five members had a total of 351 candidates to choose from for this year’s peace prize: 259 individuals and 92 organisations. Favorites The Nobel committee does not announce who has been nominated for the peace prize. According to the rules, the names of both nominees and who nominated them must be kept secret for 50 years. But it sometimes happens that those who nominate themselves disclose who they have nominated. In recent days, a number of experts have speculated on who could be this year’s peace prize winner. Among the favourites, among others, female activists in Iran and Afghanistan have been highlighted, courts and international law, and climate has once again been a relevant topic after a year of extreme weather, heat waves and rainfall records. UN Secretary-General António Guterres has been mentioned as a possible candidate in that area. Committee leader: – A good prize is relevant The Nobel Committee’s chairman, Berit Reiss-Andersen, is now awarding his last peace prize. She has been the committee’s chair since 2017, but has been a member of the committee for a further six years. After the Storting adopted new rules a few years ago, no one can now be a member of the Nobel Committee for more than two terms – twelve years in total – as Reiss-Andersen has done now. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB She has emphasized that a good peace prize award is relevant and goes to someone who can be a role model. – There are various alternatives in Alfred Nobel’s will. A good award is relevant, it means something, is in one way or another a response to society in the year in which we present the award. It must be a clear price that gives hope for a development in a peaceful direction, she told news earlier this week. – And it also doesn’t hurt if the award is received by someone who appears as a role model for peace work. I think people need someone to look up to, someone to admire, someone who is an example. – Does it have to be highly topical, or can it also be more thematically oriented? – I usually say that it must be relevant. It must somehow provide an answer. But it’s not the same answer from year to year, so we sit and assess what is relevant throughout the year until we get to the first Friday in October, Reiss-Andersen said.
