See the wild scoring of the 16-year-old team – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

On the eve of a match in the national Bring series, Bryne’s boys 16 decided to surprise. They performed a rehearsed move, where they complete four successful “fliers” in a row, before the last receiver can drop the ball into the goal. The clip quickly went viral after Bryne posted a video of the quadruple aviator on his Instagram account. Furthermore, it has also been shared on other accounts on Instagram and TikTok. The video has now been viewed over 80 million times. – It has completely taken off. We could never have imagined that it would reach so many people, and it looks like the viewing figures just keep rising, says Sander Håland (16). He does not hide that the team thinks it is great that the invention is being noticed. – It is good that we get to show the sport to the whole world. And then we get to hear it in the local area and at school. Everyone has caught on, and is commenting on the move, he says. Bryne’s boys’ team in the 2007 cohort have become “local celebrities” after the stunt. Back from left: Oscar Skodje Schea, Jonas Søyland Andersen, Emil Vold Stangeland, Vetle Mellemstrand Bore, Bjørnar Heigre Gjerdevik, Nikolai Nordås Steinsland and Linus Skjennum Vigesdal. Front from left: Sander Håland, Mathias Håland, Anders Bjerkevoll, Noah Seland Egeland and Sondre Løge. Photo: Privat It was Stavanger Aftenblad that first mentioned the case. The coach is excited that the video has gone viral Gøran Håland is the coach for the boys’ team. Nor did he expect the players to get so much attention after the weekend’s Bring round. – It is completely surreal, completely beyond. I was nowhere near thinking that this would happen when we posted the video on the boys’ Instagram account, he says. He praises the players and is positive that the video reaches several millions worldwide. – It is very nice to create interest in handball. One of the values ​​of the Norwegian Handball Association is “excitement”. If this doesn’t create excitement, I don’t know. They had not spent all the time in the world perfecting the move, and it was tested for the first time in a combat situation at the weekend, says Gøran. – I had it in the back of my mind for a while before I taught them the move. This was something me and my teammates did when we were 15, so I had to wait until they were 16 before I taught it, he laughs. Several have republished the video on TikTok, including sports giant ESPN. Photo: Screenshot – Shows that the discussion around sharing in social media is important On the opposite half of the pitch stood another G16 team, for which Bodil Myhr is the team manager. – We congratulate Bryne on the victory and the great pilot. I am sure that we will see many of those players with more good performances on the field in the years to come, she says. Nevertheless, she points out that the attention they have received may have been mostly fake. – The publicity shows that the discussion around sharing in social media is important. We have finished with the matter, and have had a good dialogue with our players and with Bryne. The Handball Association: – Enormous handball entertainment The fact that many people have seen the video on several social platforms has also been noticed by the Norwegian Handball Association. – This is a classic example of a case that has two sides. One team has scored a spectacular show goal, and the other team have been the opponents who conceded the same, says head of media and communications, Lars Hojem Kvam. The video can also affect the young players, he says. – The challenge is that we are talking about young athletes, who do not necessarily have the prerequisites to handle the fact that a clip of them in action suddenly reaches 100 million users of social media, he says and adds: – Everyone agrees that the scoring was enormous handball entertainment. At the same time, there are some principled aspects here. Head of media and communications in the handball association, Lars Hojem Kvam. Photo: Discovery Network Norway – The key to online savvy is that you should not post anything without knowing that the people involved think it’s okay. That is why it is so important to have good, safe guidelines for streaming and filming. In the guidelines adopted by the sports board in the summer of 2022, it is stated, among other things, that the person filming needs active consent (external link) from those being filmed. – Has Bryne broken the sports association’s existing guidelines by sharing the video on social media? – It doesn’t have to mean that. The teams had a good dialogue about filming the match, and the other team does not accuse Bryne of breaking any guidelines either. Clarification: One of news’s ​​journalists in this case has previously played handball in another club, with Gøran Håland as assistant coach.
