Sect leader wanted to marry his daughter – will have over 20 wives – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

The FBI blames Samuel Bateman for incest, group sex between adults and children as young as nine, and sex trafficking. This is shown in a court document obtained by the American newspaper Salt Lake Tribune. Bateman leads a group that broke away from the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints (FLDS). It is a sect that originally broke out of the Mormon church when there was a ban on polygamy in the USA. He is a former supporter of former FLDS leader Warren Jeffs. Jeffs made big headlines when he and several others with links to the sect were charged with sexual abuse of children. Jeffs himself has been sentenced to life in prison. Bateman has been in prison in Arizona since the FBI searched his home in Colorado City in September. The FBI agents were looking for evidence of child marriage and sexual relations between children and adults. In September, the FBI searched the home of Samuel Bateman in Colorado City, Arizona. Photo: Trent Nelson / AP According to the document, Bateman “began to preach that he was a prophet” in 2019. He gained around 50 followers and over 20 wives. Most are minors under the age of 15. Bateman’s family must have said the same year that he had felt encouraged to marry his own teenage daughter, according to the newspaper. Audio recording In the court document, the FBI claims that he, together with others, has transported minors between the states of Arizona, Utah, Nevada and Nebraska to have sex with them. This must have happened between May 2020 and November 2021. In the same year, FBI agent Dawn A. Martin obtained an audio recording of a conversation. There, Batemann is said to have said that “heavenly father” had instructed him to “give the most precious thing he has, the virtue of the girls” to three of his adult male followers. Bateman is said to have then watched while the three grown men had sex with the underage girls. One was only 12 years old, according to the FBI. His family and supporters rallied around Bateman when he was arrested in September. Photo: Trent Nelson / AP Afterwards he continued to say that the girls had “sacrificed their virtue for the Lord”. – God will fix their bodies and put the virgin back. I have never had more confidence that his will must be done. It’s all out of love, Bateman is said to have said according to the document. Escaped from group home When Bateman was arrested in September, the FBI found nine girls aged 11 to 16 in his home. According to the court document, they are Bateman’s wives. After the arrest, the girls were placed in a group home by child protection in Arizona. Several of the girls claim in interviews with the FBI that they have not been exploited by Bateman. Only one of them told about sexual abuse. Nevertheless, five of the girls have said that they used to sleep with Bateman, kiss and touch him. Another girl also said that she was present and partially naked when Bateman had group sex. Three girls held each other while Bateman was arrested in September. Photo: Trent Nelson / AP On the last Sunday in November, eight of these girls escaped from the group home. This is revealed in a report that the Salt Lake Tribune has obtained. Four days later, the girls were found in an Airbnb in Spokane, Washington. There they were together with one of Bateman’s wives, 19-year-old Moretta Rose Johnson. That’s what The Tribune wrote. Johnson is now charged with kidnapping.
