Search operation for man in his 60s – news Vestland

The police received a report late last night that a man was missing in Lærdal. The man in his 60s was last seen on Sunday evening at 10pm and was part of a work team of seasonal workers. – Crews have been searching until now in the morning hours, says Marit Breistøl, head of the police department at Lærdal police station. Now they are calling in the available crew, among other things a dog patrol is on its way to the city from Bergen. Make use of the daylight – The plan is to continue the search, no discoveries have been made tonight, and we will search in the daylight with more crew, Breistøl says. It was someone in the man’s work team who reported him missing. – We have found some property that can be linked to him, and it has been found on a bridge, where all traces end, says Jørgen Ommedal, head of operations in the West police district. Searched all night The police have had emergency managers at the site throughout the night and volunteer rescue resources have applied. Several of these will now be replaced in the morning hours. – We cannot rule out that he may be elsewhere, either that he has left the city, is staying in the terrain or is staying in residential areas, says Ommedal. The search is being carried out in the area by Lærdalselvi between Ljøsne and down towards the fjord. – I would encourage people who live in the area to be extra careful about gardens, outbuildings, garages and the like, says Ommedal.
