Search for a missing person in Hammerfest – news Troms and Finnmark

An investigation has been ongoing after the missing person disappeared in December 2020. The police’s main hypothesis is that the missing person has been exposed to a criminal act that has been attempted to be concealed. The police have received information which means they want to investigate whether there is anything in the ground in an area around a newly built sports hall in Hammerfest. – We cannot be sure of that, but we also cannot live with the uncertainty of whether he is there. That is why we have made a decision to dig here, says head of tactical investigation, Torstein Pettersen. How long the digging will last depends on whether discoveries are made that can be linked to the missing person or the investigation into it. – The case has a high priority in the police. It is important for the next of kin, for the local community and for the police to get to the bottom of this case. The next of kin have been informed about the search, says Pettersen. The investigations will not affect use of the hall, only the outdoor area.
