Se og Hør editor asks the King to take away Märtha Louise’s title – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– Enough is enough. That is why I have come to the conclusion, unfortunately, that she must now be stripped of her title, says Ulf A. Andersen, editor-in-chief of Se og Hør. It is not TV2’s royal house expert. Ole-Jørgen Schulsrud-Hansen agrees. – You cannot change that the princess is the king’s daughter, he says in Dagsnytt 18 on news on Thursday evening. news has been in contact with the princess’s manager about whether she would participate on Dagsnytt 18. She declined. Royal house expert Ole-Jørgen Schulsrud-Hansen believes there is no purpose in stripping the princess of her title. Photo: Javier Ernesto Auris Chavez / news Threatens to sue mother-in-law Se og Hør recently published a picture of a letter that is supposed to be a threat of legal action against Durek Verret’s mother. – This firm is legal counsel for the shaman Durek and Princess Märtha Louise, says the image of the letter Se og Hør has published. The editor-in-chief of Se og Hør, Ulf André Andersen, reacts strongly to this. – Here they have used their title to threaten a mother for not telling their version of the story, he says in Dagsnytt 18, Thursday evening. Ulf A. Andersen, editor-in-chief of Se og Hør. Photo: Skjermbilde / Dagsnytt 18 When asked about the use of the princess title in the so-called “cease and desist” letter, Scheele writes in a text message to VG: – Regarding the use of the title, Princess Märtha Louise is her name in the national register, and must be used on legal documents like this. I think there have been too many slips. This week it also appeared in Aftenposten that the princess and Verrett were more involved in the design of the much-talked-about princess gown for the couple’s wedding. Neither the princess nor Verrett may use the title in a commercial context. The Castle itself writes that on its website. The use of the word “Princess” led to the gin having to be withdrawn from Vinmonopolet. Photo: Ann-Iren finstad / news “Both Durek Verrett and Märtha Louise have been involved in the design of the text on the bottle and the design”, it says, among other things, in the document that Aftenposten has obtained access to. – The royal palace can no longer sit idly by and watch this here. By doing so, they put their stamp of approval on the fact that these events are okay, says Andersen. The princess’s manager, Carina Scheele Carlsen, has previously called the gin label a miss. But Andersen believes it has now become one or two too many misses. – What has come to light in Aftenposten in recent days shows that this has not been a miss, he says. – The King has made it clear. He is therefore asking the King to take from Märtha Louise her title as princess. This, Schulsrud-Hansen believes, can present challenges. – The king has made it clear that the princess is a princess because she is his daughter. Stripping her of the princess title would be like the King saying that she is no longer his daughter. Schulsrud-Hansen doesn’t think losing the title would make a big difference either. – I don’t think it would change anything. Regardless of what the princess had done with the title or not, it had ensured that (the fact that the princess is the king’s daughter) attracted negative attention to what the princess did, he claims. Published 25/07/2024, at 21.52 Updated 25.07.2024, at 22.45
