Scientists have discovered a new carnivorous dinosaur species – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

A new giant carnivorous dinosaur species has been discovered during excavations in Argentina. The new dinosaur species has been named “Meraxes gigas”. The dinosaur fossil shows that it was 11 meters long and should have weighed more than 4 tons, and that it was 45 years old, according to a study published in the journal Current Biology. Reminiscent of the Tyrannosaurus rex Meraxes is described as a carnivorous dinosaur with a huge head and short forelegs. It belonged to a two-legged variant called theropods. It is compared to the dinosaur species Tyrannosaurus rex, which is one of the most famous carnivorous species that lived towards the end of the Cretaceous. The fossil excavations were made in northern Patagonia, Argentina. POSITION: Paleontologist Peter Makovicky depicted with parts of the fossil. Photo: AKIKO SHINYA / Reuters The dinosaur “Big John” went almost 50 million kroner above the “rate” Most preserved skull According to researchers, it should be one of the best preserved skulls of a large carnivorous dinosaur that has ever been excavated. SHORT ARMS: An illustration of what the species Meraxes gigas should have looked like. – It is difficult to imagine that the arms were used a lot, since they could not have reached the huge mouth, says Makovicky. Photo: CARLOS PAPOLIO / Reuters The skull is 127 centimeters long. “Many of the bones in the face and skull were covered with bumps and furrows, giving it a gnarled appearance, like a medieval gargoyle,” said paleontologist and co-author Pete Makovicky of the University of Minnesota. MASSIVE HEAD AND JAW: The dinosaur had a large head but short arms. The dinosaur is said to have died when it was around 45 years old, according to the researchers. Photo: LUIS ROBAYO / AFP One meter long arms Despite the large physique, the arms were only 60 centimeters long. – It is difficult to imagine that the arms were used a lot, since they could not have reached the huge mouth, says Makovicky. The skeleton shows that the arms had strong muscles. – I am inclined to believe that they were used in other types of activities, such as keeping the female during mating or helping to lift the body from a lying position, says co-author and researcher Juan Ignacio Canale. The fossil gives scientists a lot of new information, and it is in excellent shape. Areas of the skeleton, such as arms and legs, have helped us to understand changes in the nature and anatomy of Carchardodontosarids, which is the group to which Meraxes gigas belongs, Canale. Meraxes is named after a dragon from the fictional series “Song of Ice and Fire” which inspired the TV show “Game of Thrones”. EXCAVATION SITE: The fossil excavations were made in northern Patagonia, Argentina. Photo: PETER MAKOVICKY / Reuters BEST PRESERVED: According to researchers, it is one of the most preserved skulls of a carnivorous dinosaur that has ever been excavated. Photo: JUAN I CANALE / AFP
