Schools fly flags at half mast – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

It was on Sunday afternoon that two teenage boys were found dead in the sea outside Stavanger. – It is too early to say anything about the sequence of events, but there is reason to believe that the accident took place during the night or on Saturday evening, says duty manager Kjetil Hagen in the Main Rescue Center (HRS) Southern Norway to news on Sunday. On Monday morning, the police will continue the investigation. – It is also too early to say anything about the cause of the accident, but what I can say is that the police have received information that a boat driver reported to the police and the Central Rescue Service last night that he had probably hit something in the sea, without the reporter knowing what this was, says police attorney Øyvind Bore in a press release. Yesterday, the boat driver read on social media that a watercraft had been found with damage, and therefore reported it again. A search was then launched. The boat driver, a man in his 30s, has been charged, as the boat and his mobile phone have been seized. – We do not yet know what has happened, or how and when the two young men who were found dead had an accident, says Bore. The boat driver was questioned yesterday. – I do not want to go into more detail about what came out in the interrogation. Damaged watercraft found There was information about the discovery of a damaged watercraft at 1pm on Sunday. A search was launched at sea, with efforts from the police, the Central Rescue Service (HRS) and the Rescue Company. Shortly after 2.30pm on Sunday, two young men were found dead in the sea. The watercraft was found at Rossøya. The deceased were found much further south, on the north-east side of Austre Åmøy, the main rescue center informs news. The watercraft was found at Rossøya. The deceased were found on the north-east side of Austre Åmøy. There is just under ten kilometers between the two islands. Flags at half-mast – There is a serious atmosphere at school. This affects the whole school and the whole area when things like this happen, says the principal at Randaberg primary school, Ellen Kristine Endresen Helgeland. The two boys went to Randaberg upper secondary school and Hetland upper secondary school. – There is a dark blanket over the school day. We fly the flag at half-mast and gathered 250 students for a celebration at half past nine this morning, says the headmaster at Hetland upper secondary school, Sigurd Svela. It was Stavanger Aftenblad that first mentioned the case. Strandbuen writes on Monday that a planned school trip at Strand vgs has been canceled as a result of the incident. Room for reactions – We see that we get reactions regardless of whether the deceased are known or not, says Helgeland. The school health service has been strengthened, and the municipality’s crisis team has been connected at both schools. – Some people need to do the things they were supposed to do today. We also provide room for students to talk to professionals. There must be room to react in the way they are supposed to react, she says. – The opportunity was given to those who needed a sheltered place where they could meet crisis teams and health nurses, says Svela. Published 02.09.2024, at 10.57 Updated 02.09.2024, at 11.07
