School tired of “threats and sabotage” from students – grades had to be homeschooled

On Friday, parents of pupils in eighth grade at Bamble secondary school were notified that the pupils were to have lessons at home online. The message states that there have been many unwanted incidents at the school and that the school needed time to find out how they can solve the problems. Threats against adults, pushing and sabotage of the school and learning environment are mentioned. The message also says this about the students: “Many lack basic skills in interacting with others”. Varden mentioned the case first. Sorry that the message was sent Municipal manager for education in Bamble municipality, Bjørg Rein deeply regrets that the message was sent out. The municipality announces this via a press release. – I apologize for the message you received from the school on Friday afternoon. This message contained a generalization of the students in the 8th grade and gives the impression that bad behavior applies to all students in the grade. This is obviously not correct, says the municipal manager. SORRY: Bjørn Rein is municipal manager for education in Bamble municipality. Photo: Roald Marker / news She says home schooling was experienced by many as a collective punishment. The purpose was to give the employees room to work on measures to improve the situation. – I see that this should have been handled in a different way, and apologize for that. We will improve our communication and cooperation with you, says Rein. She promises that the school management will soon take the initiative for a better dialogue with parents. Asking parents to talk to their children news has tried to get in touch with the student council at the school without success. The school management has not responded to news’s ​​inquiries either. FAU leader Ann Katrin Breivik asks parents to talk to their children, and she will not comment on the matter further in order to reduce the stigmatization of students who need safe adults to guide them in the right direction. She has sent a message to her parents, which news has been given permission to reproduce, but does not wish to comment further on the matter. FAU’s message to parents Hello. Once again, a case is being published about the school and the students, which is unfortunate. As FAU leader, I have chosen not to comment on the case in order to reduce the stigmatization of students who need safe adults to guide them in correct direction. I would like to encourage you parents/guardians to use class contacts / FAU representative who will take this further with FAU, instead of commenting in the media. FAU is working on the matter, and I am in contact with the school and the school office. I ask that you take the time with their children and have a chat about what they can do to create a good everyday life for everyone. Good attitudes make for a better everyday life where everyone can spend time learning and being safe. Mayor: – Compound causes Mayor Hallgeir Kjelldal in Bamble says the municipality must contribute resources to tackle the problem. – The fact that the SMS went out on Friday was probably not fully thought through. It has not had the desired effect. I hope that we can establish good contact with parents and the school and work seriously on this, says Kjelldal. MAYOR: Hallgeir Kjelldal is mayor of Bamble municipality. Photo: Roald Marker / news He has no idea what is causing the challenges the school is experiencing. – It is complex and too early to say, he says. Bamble secondary school is brand new and consists of pupils from smaller schools throughout the municipality. The new school has room for over 500 pupils. – Many people think the school is too big. What do you mean? – I do not believe that. The school is brand new and must be allowed to work with structure. I don’t think this has anything to do with the size of the school. It is not large on a national scale, says Kjelldal. Here are parts of the message that was sent out to parents and guardians:
