– Says I’m satisfied – news Vestland

– I see it as a 90 percent victory, says Idar Vollvik to news when the judgment from the Court of Appeal is clear. In May last year, the entrepreneurial celebrity was sentenced to 45 days in jail for repackaging non-medical masks and selling them as medical ones. The verdict from the Bergen District Court is in line with what the prosecution had requested. The court held that there was no doubt that he repackaged, even though he was aware of the difference in the masks. Vollvik and his defender appealed the sentence, and the appeal against him started in the Gulating Court of Appeal in February. Now the judgment from the Court of Appeal is clear. There, Vollvik is sentenced to 30 days’ suspended imprisonment, and a fine of NOK 30,000. – I am very happy not to have to go to prison for something so banal. I am also happy that the court has believed that I have not deliberately cheated. It is important to me. Vollvik takes self-criticism at the same time; – I certainly deserve the fine. I have not familiarized myself with the laws and regulations as I should have done, and then I think it was in its place. So it’s okay. In the district court, Vollvik was also ordered to pay court costs. This decision is not changed by the Court of Appeal. When asked if he wants to appeal further, he clearly says no. – This is finished. I am satisfied with this. Arrested on the way to work In September 2020, he was arrested on the way to work. At the same time, the police took action against three of his warehouse buildings in Bergen. Two months later, he was charged with selling non-medical masks as medical ones. In total, at least 700,000 masks were repackaged, attempted to be repackaged or mislabeled. ACTIONS: The police took action against Vollvik’s warehouse buildings in Bergen in September 2020. Photo: Cato Heldal Kristensen It was a 16-year-old girl who first alerted the police about the masks. She was hired by the company to Vollvik through a staffing agency, and was only supposed to work there for a short time. When she was set to repack the masks, she reacted to the fact that some of the masks were marked “medical” and others were not. Vollvik himself has always denied guilt – and explained that he did not know the difference between the different masks. Before the appeal started, neither Vollvik nor his defender Arild Christian Dyngeland wanted to comment on the case.
