Saying yes to his Elisabeth – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

The wedding takes place in Bragernes church in Drammen on Saturday afternoon. The party itself is held in the Børsen party premises later in the evening. According to Drammens Tidende, there will be around 120 guests, and the couple will have five suitors each. – I think traditions are very nice. Being married, and the celebration itself, I look forward to, Ingebrigtsen told news earlier this month. The athletics star admits that he has not been very involved in the wedding preparations. – I contribute with a good mood, and a lot of good dancing, said a smiling Ingebrigtsen. The wedding party is organized in the Børsen party rooms. Photo: Kate Barth Nilsen / news – Good on the dance floor His future spouse looks forward to being forged in the chains of the hymen. – We have lived closely together for many years, but it is a nice thing to be married. I am very happy about the wedding, Asserson told news. The party venues in Drammen have their own ballroom. It has been important to the couple. – Jakob is very good at being on the dance floor. He doesn’t say no to a good party, and will be on the dance floor all night, Asserson said. Even the wedding does not put a damper on the sports star’s desire to run. – He tried his hand and asked if we could take a few days on our honeymoon, then go on a street race, and go back again. That doesn’t happen, Asserson said. The wedding takes place in Bragernes church in Drammen. Photo: Harald Inderhaug / news – A beautiful cathedral – It is an honor to be allowed to consecrate these two, says chaplain Margrete Schmidt Johansen, who admits that she is not particularly interested in sports. The priest still believes the wedding will be a special experience. Chaplain Margrete Schmidt Johansen will marry the couple. Photo: Den norske kirke / Privat – There are many wonderful couples I have been allowed to be a priest for, but I don’t know if I have ever married such high-profile people. The most important thing is to hear that the couple say yes to each other, and that I get God’s blessing on the life they will have together, says Johansen. She believes the celebrity wedding will help put Drammen on the map. – The whole of Drammen is proud of Bragernes church. A beautiful cathedral that provides a nice setting for the bride and groom. This lifts the whole of Drammen, says Johansen.
