Satudarah’s top leader did not know that the Oslo president was frozen out – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

This week the case about Satudarah MC went before the court in Oslo. The man who is the president of Satudarah MC in Stavanger claims he is now also the top leader of the MC club in Norway. He took the witness stand in the Oslo district court on Thursday as the club’s party representative. He got this role after the president of the Oslo branch was said to have been frozen out earlier this year, and thus could not represent the club in court. – As a family, the Stavanger man says he only became aware of the freezing earlier this week. – I actually didn’t know that. Oslo manages its own, we manage ours. I had learned that at the next meeting, explained the man in his 50s from the witness box. He explained that the Stavanger branch has a close and good relationship with the Oslo branch. Public prosecutor Ingelin Hauge is taking the case to court. With her is co-producer Philip Green Photo: Ingrid Emilie Waaler / news – You could say it becomes like a family, he explained. – How many presidents are there now? the prosecution wanted to know. – Considering that people are frozen out, I don’t know who will step in. As of now, just today, I have the highest rank, he said in court. The man in his 50s did not want to answer questions from news. – Closed During the first court day, an expert from Kripos testified. He said that there is only one Satudarah branch in Norway, and that it is based in Oslo. The Kripos witness said the club in Norway is led by the president who says he has been frozen out. On Thursday afternoon, another member of the Oslo branch of Satudarah took the witness stand. He previously belonged to Satudarah in Stavanger, but switched to the Oslo branch in January this year. After being pressed by the prosecution as to why he changed departments, the member replied that it was because there was no longer any department in Stavanger in December 2022. – Stavanger was closed from December, he claimed from the witness box. Satudarah MC’s lawyer, Usama Ahmad, tells news that he was not aware that the department had closed down. Lawyers Usama Ahmad and John Christian Elden represent Satudarah in court. Photo: Ingrid Emilie Waaler / news – I know very little about the closure. What I do know is that there have been a lot of changes there in recent months. But I didn’t know that it had been closed, he says to news. The witness statement contrasted with the explanation the president in his 50s gave a few hours earlier. From the witness box, he explained that he became a member of SMC in Stavanger in 2019. He moved up in the system, and in the summer of 2022 he became president. He estimated in court that the club in Stavanger consists of around nine full members and approximately 10 so-called hangarounds. According to the president in Stavanger, his department was not contacted by the police in connection with the historic ban case that has gone to court this week. He says he first found out about it via the media. Don’t know The prosecutors Ingelinn Hauge and Philip Green spent a lot of time digging into when the president is supposed to have been frozen out of the Oslo club, and under what circumstances this happened. During the proceedings on Friday, State Attorney Hauge said that she believes it is not true that the Oslo president is no longer active in the club. Two other members of Satudarah’s Oslo branch also testified in court. SMC is known for yellow logos on black leather vests. Both explained they had recently learned of the ouster of their president. None of them could answer who was president now. – There has been chaos, and I don’t know who is president, replied one witness. In order for a president to have his membership frozen, high-ranking members of the club must agree on this in a meeting, prosecutor Green pointed out. None of the witnesses had attended such a meeting. – If there has been a meeting about it, then I have not been there, replied the other. Neither of the two witnesses knew who the vice-president of the Oslo branch was. Thinks it appears as an adaptation Lawyer Usama Ahmad tells news that the Oslo president in the 30s was frozen out and stripped of his post after a meeting the club had. He cannot answer who attended this meeting and removed the president from office. – I have no comment on that. – Was it the department in Oslo? – That is how I have understood it, he says to news. The public prosecutor believes that the alleged freezing of the Oslo president appears to be an adaptation to keep one of the members with the longest record out of the club. SMC’s lawyer denies that the president was removed for tactical reasons, after it became known that the prosecution wants to ban Satudarah MC in Norway. – Absolutely not. Not known to me anyway, says Ahmad. State Attorney Hauge is determined that the club should be banned.
