SAS offers Flyr employee job – Latest news – news

2 February 2023 at 15:04 SAS offers Flyr employees jobs Around 200 cabin crew at the airline Flyr can be offered a job at SAS. Several of the Flyr pilots are also in contact with the former competitor, with a view to new jobs. – Until spring, SAS plans to staff the company, and we would like to welcome as many people as possible to us, says manager Hege Solberg in SAS Cabin Crew. – To receive such a happy message, so soon after the bankruptcy. It almost felt like Christmas Eve for many, says Kenneth Herredsvela in Flyr’s cabin association. On Thursday, many of the cabin crew turned up to hear about the offer from SAS. About 400 Flyr employees will lose their jobs in connection with the company filing for bankruptcy on Tuesday. According to Herredsvela in the old Flyr association, SAS has offered good conditions, both in terms of salary and pension. He is not worried about joining another company that has struggled financially in recent years. – – They are in a fortunate situation. They get people who are familiar with the industry. Which avoids a lot of schooling, says Herredsvela to news.
